Unraid smb security settings export. 2, you'll see that Unraid uses samba: version 4.
Unraid smb security settings export Edited December 9, 2024 by Dragon99 Oct 16, 2019 · First, enable the SMB protocol in Settings > SMB (Note: I am running the unRAID 6. created a user in unRAID with the same user name as my Windows10 PC. In settings -> SMB I have: Mar 12, 2019 · With the new Time Machine SMB/export settings in the 6. The set the permission for the SMB User(s)-- step 4. The later will foil someone casually browsing your network, but a savvy intruder might still gain access. If particular users don't need write access, make them read-only. I have NOT created any dedicated users in the Unraid GUI for my SMB shares, as I did not want to mess with more settings before fully understanding what I'm doing. Something like Export: Yes (Manual) Selecting that would remove all of the unraid provided SMB configuration and replace it with a text area with just the raw SMB configuration for the share. Everything Jul 25, 2022 · This script allow to bypass UNRAID caching for a specified SMB Share. This is more likely to happen when it is a mapped drive. (Basically, right-clicking on the Share in Windows Explorer, selecting ‘Properties’, then the ‘Security’ tab and working from there. The security settings for a share include it's Export setting and its Security Mode setting. Oct 13, 2015 · What is the difference between the Private and Secure setting in the security settings? A Secure share can be read by everyone but only written by specified users. I have a couple of machines using TM to back up to unRaid I have dedicated disk export (not a user share) for each TM (set as a TM export). Private give me option for rules, but secure doesn't give me option to work with users. In unraid, I've set up a user, given that user permission to shares, etc. Steht dort "Export" auf "No? Bzw. Now I only see Disk xx Settings, Attributes, Capabilities, Identity. Apr 24, 2012 · Here's how to set up the server to be accessible (e. You also mentioned that evilmonkey dc as being an ap(p?). ) Jun 5, 2023 · if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes(hidden), then I can not login the SMB folder after using account name and password from WIN10. Private (which is greyed out, I cannot select) Help! May 24, 2015 · Export: Yes. Changing it to 'yes' solved my Jan 9, 2022 · Gleiches Problem wie vorher: Über SMB keine Schreibrechte mehr bezüglich der Datei (Gleiche Rechte wie im ersten Post) Die SMB-Security Settings in Unraid für test sind: Export: Yes Case-sensitive names: Auto Security: Private Der SMB-User "lanuser" der über Windows darauf zugreift hat die Rechte: Read/Write Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. I find that user shares are visible on SMB (Windows 10) but disk shares are not. (different password) 2. Note: It is Jun 18, 2023 · I just finished removing a disk and rebuilding parity after a new config. Dec 15, 2023 · I've worked through the famous pdf document, set up Windows Credentials, changed the SMB settings, set the network settings as instructed, etc. Does it matter (possible negative outcomes) if the flash drive SMB security settings are set to "Export: No" and "Security: Private"? Thanks in advance. In Shares, when I click my share, then go to the SMB Security Settings, I have it Yes to Export and Security model as Private. Security=Private)? Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. but i changed flash drives and need to reset those settings but I don't have a clue as to how they should be set. They were mounted before I did the new config and they show that they are still enabled in Setting/Global share settings (see below). Any ideas? Nov 13, 2018 · Go to Main then click on"Flash" then in SMB security settings set export to "no" and Security to "private" Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for Jul 27, 2011 · Disk shares completely ignore all the user level security. Set it to Yes (hidden) to prevent automatic network browsing while allowing direct access. 0-beta6a, Pro license. but now when I go to connect via the mac i never get the opportunity to put in credentials. 2) Go to Settings > SMB and, in SMB Extras , add the following content: Dec 25, 2013 · From the main page if I click on disks 1 - 8 I only see 4 lines under Device Settings: Partition Size, Partition Format, File System Type and Spin Down Delay. May 11, 2019 · Then select your Time Machine share and under SMB Security Settings set "Export" to Yes/TimeMachine. All of which are giving me the same issues. The name of the share must be filled in the SHARE_NAME parameter before running the script. I would like to have the share not visible to the entire network. Soon as select export no and hit apply it gets switched back to yes. Die Userrechte unter "SMB User Access" hatte ich bis dahin nicht vergeben, also alles auf "No Access". 14. The Share must be already activated in the UNRAID GUI (Export set to 'Yes'). The share Export setting determines overall visibility of the share: - Export=Yes means the share is visible in browse list and is accessible per it's security mode. There is no way to restrict access to particular disks via disk shares. rebooted my pc. Then under SMB Security Settings, set 'Export' to "Yes"-- step #3. But if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes, without hidden, then I can login the SMB folder after using account name and password. (Although, it seems clear that none of that was the issue in this case, since the Mac can't connect either). A Private share can only be read or written by specified users. 0 Beta 3. Edited June 13, 2021 by Frank1940 In fact, that's what "NFS" stands for: "network file system". (I believe the default is enabled. : the users who will be using your share to backup using Time Machine) Finally, I’ve turned “SMB” setting off to this particular share by setting “Export” to “No” Nov 3, 2019 · 1) Navigate to 'Settings > SMB' 2) Look for "Enhanced macOS interoperability" verify that the setting is 'Yes'. Security: Public But it's not just the flash drive that I can't access. The setting is labelled Export and has the following options: Mar 25, 2021 · Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. Linux is case sensitive for folder/file names whereas SMB is not. So I can not Jan 14, 2018 · So my drive 7 is my latest drive but I cant get it to hide the main drive from the SMB Security Settings menu. Lol. Sep 21, 2022 · If I set and SMB share to public (a requirement of a specific application I am running), but set export to yes (hidden), how insecure is the share on my home network? I know that if someone knows the network path they can access the share and do what ever they want to the files. If the setting is no, you must stop the array, then come back here to change it. I can not figure out how the AFP security settings to use with TM. So, after the backstory, I do have a question. There is nothing else on the page. _*/. If you, like me, google SMB configuration settings you'll eventually come across the documentation for the current version of SMB. DS_Store/ SMB Security Settings: Share name: tm Export: Yes/Time Machine Time Machine volume size limit: 2000000 MB Case-sensitive names: Auto Security: Private SMB User Access christian Read/Write <-- this is the same user which I use on my Mac Share Settings: Share name: tm Comments: Time Machine Jan 17, 2025 · the SMB issue I see now is fixed. It might have changed with May 16, 2012 · Running b14. 5gbe connection. Sep 19, 2015 · Hi. Also tried, Share settings left at default, Export; Yes, Security; Private, assigned user name that was set up in unRAID Users with same name and password as Win AD. Jun 21, 2022 · I just setup a new unraid server (6. Navigate to the Users tab and click on the Add User button. 3. Valid users: (blank) Invalid users: (blank) Export (NFS): (blank) I can hit the share without using my ssumner account and create and remove files even though I shouldn't be able to. If I click on the cache disk I see Device Settings as above, then SMB Security Settings, then SMART Checks. This means all disks were writable even by guests. After applying ABE like described in this article: I just added those two settings to the SMB configuration: Apr 28, 2013 · 1. 如下SMB处不为-,即表示成功写入配置文件中: If you have a mixed-OS network, SMB works very well and you should likely just stick with SMB. I am wanting to run a command to change the SMB security of a share from Public to Secure before I start, then another command to do the opposite when completed. . Export (SMB): Export read-only. 3) using a trial license. Feb 22, 2024 · SMB-Extras: veto files = /. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and establish the connection: Verify SMB Share Configuration in Unraid Check Share Settings: Go to Shares in the Unraid web GUI. However, if someo May 3, 2011 · unRAID v. Active directory joined Created Share; DBIshare. One of these shares is called video, and it's permissions are setup like so Allocation method: High water Use cache disk: Yes NFS Security Settings: Export: Yes Security: Public SMB Security Settings: Export: Yes (hidden) Security: Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. 0 release candidate. / drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 300 Feb 21 18:18 . Allow “Read/Write” access to whatever users you want to have access to this share (i. Users can be created under the 'Users' tab and Share and SMB security settings can be accessed by clicking on each user share under the 'Shares' tab. I have a couple of user shares which are set similarly, and those are not accessible either. Basically I want to make these accessible on my network for testing purposes. Jan 3, 2013 · The problem with NFS is that there is no user authentication. You'll see an SMB Export choice you can choose No, Yes, or Yes (Hidden). Feb 25, 2016 · One thing you could try to be to go into 'Settings', 'Global Share Settings' and turn on 'Enable disk shares:'. Jul 6, 2019 · I am writing a list of commands to run via SSH to backup my files monthly. you need some Linux-specific functionality like backing up Mar 28, 2021 · A simple plugin that indexes most of the pages within the GUI and allows you to search for them directly from the menu bar without having to guess if they are within Settings - Utilities, Tools, System Profile, etc. I click Apply, page refreshes and all my Oct 22, 2023 · Hi all, suddenly, since a few weeks, I can't use the UNRAID GUI user/share functionality with my network shares anymore for SMB. Click Apply and Done. Share settings left at default, Export; Yes, Security; Public. 注意:需在USERS新增user,SMB登陆不可使用root. which value you select depends on your security needs. I can now see exported shares over SMB. Enable Help on the Share Settings page in unRAID for full details on the security settings. Configure Individual Disk Share Settings. ???Strangely enough I can access the share from a computer from which I have never logged on to the unraid server before and I can open/view the share folder without ever being asked for a username or password, is this normal , am I doing something Nov 19, 2018 · Hi How does one decide on the smb security settings. I have a new SMB share (and new Unraid install for that matter). With read access for one pre-defined user. \\Tower\disk2], but it won't show when you browse the network. Private only allows the specified access granted to each specified unRAID user. Look for the 'Export' setting for each one and set to 'No'. Then go to 'Shares', 'Disk Shares', click on the name of each of your data disks, (i. And it seems to be the only way to do this, because the method suggested by trurl (which works fine and which I'm now using---thanks, trurl) seems to set user/pass security for ALL unassigned devices, which may Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. I cannot find how to enable/disable SMB/NFS visibility for one specific disk. Security=Private)? May 24, 2014 · So, I have some user shares setup with different permissions. After that all my SMB Security Settings were resetted. More than that, as I said in my original post, browsing to the server reports 'Failed to retrieve share list from server'. If you want more security, you will have to either disable disk shares or export them as hidden. 04 clients. you need some Linux-specific functionality like backing up Before you begin, make sure SMB is enabled in the Unraid WebGUI by going to: Settings → SMB under "Network Services" Set "Enable SMB" to "Yes" and click "Apply" (Array must be stopped to change this). On the Shares tab, select an existing share to display its settings. Jan 28, 2022 · If you read the release notes for Unraid 6. It's a protocol that allows you to export files across a network so that additional devices can access them. These are: 1) SMB Security Settings – Export (a) If Export set to “No” then nothing can access the disk/flash/share – correct?? (b) If Export Mar 1, 2023 · Nachdem du die Freigabe erstellt hast kommen nach Übernehmen dieser Einstellungen im unteren Bereich die "SMB Security Settings". Possible Fixes: a) Do not reset the disk share settings b) Make Export "No" and Security "Private" the new default Nov 4, 2023 · It would be very nice if there was an option in the SMB section of the share for manual configuration of that export. 2, you'll see that Unraid uses samba: version 4. 10. / drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 6 Jan 16 16:02 DocArchive/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 24 Jul 2 2016 Dropbox/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Feb 20 18:14 ISO\ Files/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1381 Mar 31 2015 LICENCE drwxrwxrwx 设置Share name为ECMaster,其他配置采用unraid默认即可。 修改SMB Security Settings: 选择export为Yes, security为Secure,然后点击apply. Sep 23, 2013 · Under my 'shares tab' I have have share settings, and when I configure that only then do I get a 'SMB Security Settings' and under the 'Export' tab I have options: Yes. Nov 18, 2020 · No, you can either explicitly show a share, or hide a share. 7. I have some general queries to which I cannot find definitive answers on the web. I am the only one Feb 24, 2025 · A telnet from my windows box to the unraid box answers for both 139 and 445. So I can not Dec 11, 2023 · Hello fellow Unraid users I have several shares, some on a traditional array with an xfs filesystem and some on a zfs zpool. Exceptions: ssumner. Instead of having to load up the Web UI and doing it that wa Nov 15, 2022 · I have NOT forced SMB 1 functionality on Windows 11, as recommended by most users due to security vulnerabilities. If you are attempting to use a share that was previously and AFP/TimeMachine target, I believe this should work, but if there are still issues, you should try creating a new share for your Time Machine target and let your Mac create a fresh backup. 0 Beta 2. Set SMB Security settings to "Yes(Hidden)" May 22, 2017 · What is strange, is that Synology shares works with my options provided on the screenshot above but Unraid won't like it no matter what I am trying. Go to the Shares tab. : as a drop box) via SMB, but connected on your Mac via AFP: 1. I have them currently set to Cache = "No" and restricted to 500Gb each and including only one disk. Locate Enable disk shares (this could be under Global Share Settings). in unRAID changed the SMB Security Settings/SMB User Access for the Media share to give my new user read/write access and security type to "Private" (this is very important, you must use PRIVATE not SECURE) 3. kommst du über UNC-Pfad drauf? \\Server\Freigabename Beispiel: \\Tower\Musik Oct 8, 2016 · 1) Create a share (in this example, TimeMachine) and, in SMB Security Settings, set Export to No. Nov 2, 2024 · Scroll down to the SMB Security Settings tab, set the Export option to Yes, and tap the Apply button once again. 1. Also go to Settings >>> Network Settings >>> SMB. Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. Dec 12, 2020 · On that basis, I suppose, calling an out-of-array pool a cache in order to give it individual SMB security, isn't so much of a kluge. Thanks so much for your help. You cannot show a share based on access. Then on shares. No. nfs works awesome, but seems really insecure since it requires no login. I am not sure if unRaid treats the TM *. You might try that. sparsebundle file as a single file or not. At the bottom of the share settings there is a security sub-section for any active network protocols. 2. Dec 30, 2023 · If you want a share to be visible over the network then you need to change the Export setting under SMB to something other than the default of No. 3) Next, Navigate to 'Shares > [share name]' 4) Under "SMB Security Settings", Find the drop down for 'Export' and change it to "Yes/Time Machine" Jul 29, 2014 · All Activity; Home ; Legacy Support (unRAID 5 and Older) General Support (V5 and Older) Smb export settings stuck on public for disk1 Oct 19, 2020 · I started a new config because one of my disks became a different ID after switching the USB adapter. Maybe you're already using a network share, so when should you choose NFS over SMB? Here are the reasons to consider NFS over SMB/CIFS/"Windows Shares": Dec 8, 2012 · Legacy Support (unRAID 5 and Older) General Support (V5 and Older) SMB Security Settings, Private allow all users access if all set to No Access SMB Security Settings . ei totally missed the export option I thought that meant something else, not sure why. Also have attached my unraid diag file unraid-diagnostics-20180114-1624. g. Thank you for the reply, in the diagnostic I didn’t have export set to yes but I did try again and still no luck Nov 16, 2024 · Connecting Unifi Protect to an Unraid SMB share for backup can be tricky due to differences in how Unifi Protect and Unraid handle SMB configurations. Hidden Then the only other choice I have is security which has : public . I'm running 6. Under it i havesecurity settings as private/public/secure. Its a native Unraid ZFS share but it does not give me the option to export the datasets or create a share on the shares screen that is set to use the ZFS pool or dataset. For the shares you want to be exported, click on the share name in the Shares tab and select the desired SMB security settings. Mapped drive on XP Nov 2, 2019 · 1. I set export to Yes/Time Machine per the guides to set up Time Machine backup. ok, connecting my macbook pro to my unraid via a wired 2. On NFS settings the Tunable (fuse_member) is set to 330. 5. so I set the security to private. However, I don't have SMB (or NFS) enabled (enabled for Export - which I assume means disabled) on any of my shares. You don't need to do this at all! Dec 8, 2024 · Sorry by export I mean export the share via SMB. _PMM, AE_AML_BUFFE 设置Share name为ECMaster,其他配置采用unraid默认即可。 修改SMB Security Settings: 选择export为Yes, security为Secure,然后点击apply. I am going to "eleven" my main share with settings: export: Yes security: Private Oct 24, 2022 · SMB Security Settings Export: Yes/Time Machine Time Machine volume size limit: 2000000 (ya que quiero tener solo 2TB para el backup) Case-sensitive names: Auto Conecto con el share y veo que efectivamente dispongo de 2TB para realizar el backup, lanzo la copia y la primera me la hace correctamente. How can i choose export options and define security by user Dec 2, 2016 · Have you done a setup under "Shares". Jan 18, 2023 · visible: Export = Yes, Security = Private, my user has read/write access nvisible: Export = Yes, Security = Private, my user has no access Without any modification to SMB: Both shares are visible. Within each share, I have the following set for SMB Security Settings: - Export: yes - Case-sensitive names: Auto - Security: Se Jan 1, 2015 · SMB is how I access (no AFP or NFS enabled); AD is simply the security level I apply over the top of my shares to stop the kids from deleting stuff! Squid Posted January 3, 2015 Jul 19, 2010 · Each share has it's own security settings. 8. There are quite a few post and there is a gpu/registry fix as default windows msb now disables guest no passowrd for accessing shares if your unable to hit the shares at \\unraid ip address then theres a deeper problem. e. To be honest I never touched SMB Security because as most here I followed videos and shares were mostly created as Public and I left it that way. Jun 25, 2021 · It was done by a Windows user who was trying to change how SMB worked by applying Windows security features to an Unraid share by changing the default Security settings. 9. Feb 9, 2014 · After I stopped the array from unMenu and restarted the machine using the good ol' power switch, the setting that caused me the issue (Shares Tab, SMB Security Settings, Export: Yes(Hidden)) reverted back to "Yes (not hidden)" and I was once again able to access everything. ) Jul 17, 2012 · SMB security: Export : Yes (Hidden) Security: Secure. Am I missing something here? I'm Apr 10, 2017 · So, I searched the unRAID forums, instead of the obvious step of checking the flash settings under the main tab. Is it still exporting when you have Export to No, or do you just mean you think the Security section in the user interface should be disabled or something? 2. May 3, 2013 · I'm using simple features plugin and under NFS and SMB shares i have only Yes/No options. Then click on the Share 'Name' (Media in this case) the in the User Share area-- step #2. Mar 11, 2022 · Ich habe nun alle entsprechenden Shares unter "SMB Security Settings" auf Export = Yes gesetzt, da mit Yes (hidden) die Shares in Windows nicht sichtbar wären. Also, set "Enhanced macOS interoperability" to Yes as well. Security steht auf Private. Maybe you're already using a network share, so when should you choose NFS over SMB? Here are the reasons to consider NFS over SMB/CIFS/"Windows Shares": Feb 2, 2019 · If you export a share as Public, it will show up in Windows File Explorer (assuming you have the right SMB/Security settings on the Windows side, which can be tricky) automatically for all users when you browse your server on the Network. zip Feb 4, 2011 · Using 5. 然后修改SMB User Access: 然后点击apply即可. All my shares bring up an error, both on Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22. PMI0. my share had export set to 'no' under SMB security settings. , "disk1") and click on 'SMB Security Settings' and turn 'Export:' "On" and 'Security:' to "Public". SMB enabled. Export=No). Now: In the Unraid WebGUI, go to "Shares" and click "Add Share". Jul 25, 2022 · Good Afternoon All, I am trying to understand SMB security, as I am retiring a server and am going to build a new one in a few weeks. But! Unraid is not running the latest version, and that's extremely important. The setting is labelled Export and has the following options: Jan 16, 2024 · Navigate to SMB Settings. around the house so my Public drives were probably mapped via Jun 13, 2021 · Click on the NFS Security Settings and SMB Security Settings tabs. / drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 6 Jan 16 16:02 DocArchive/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 24 Jul 2 2016 Dropbox/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Feb 20 18:14 ISO\ Files/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1381 Mar 31 2015 LICENCE drwxrwxrwx May 1, 2019 · I'm getting these errors spammed in the log recently: May 1 12:41:14 Tower kernel: ACPI Error: SMBus/IPMI/GenericSerialBus write requires Buffer of length 66, found length 32 (20180531/exfield-393) May 1 12:41:14 Tower kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \\_SB. 0 RC releases, is it safe, recommended, or not recommended to set cache to "Yes" on these shares. I have s I removed all of my \\unraid public shares, rebooted, then mapped a single new share to \\unraid\private (Private auth, obviously) using the credentials I set on the web interface and it worked! A long time ago I got sick of manually mapping my shares on all the PCs, VMs, etc. May 3, 2015 · I am using unRAIDServer-6. If you choose Yes (Hidden), you can access the disks as usual [e. In general, for most home and small business users, I would suggest that your default posture be toward SMB and you should use NFS when you have identified a specific need for it (i. 12. Secure. This is extremely important. I still have an issue with plex launching though i suspect it won't only be plex having the issue its just the one I'm looking at. I also tried putting the system into maint mode then doing it with out luck. Everything was working fine with 5. Jun 24, 2024 · Turn on SMB export via this setting for each share: Click on SHARES tab-- step #1. SMB_PREVENT_CLIENTS_SPINUP add optional settings to the sh Jan 25, 2025 · Something that kept me from seeing my SMB folder was that I had not set the Export option to Yes in the SMB security settings. Therefore, NFS has these restrictions with each of the security modes: - if share Export is 'No' then share can't be accessed at all - security mode 'Public': any NFS client can read/write the share (this is mapped to user 'nobody' as with Samba guest access). It has an IP address that that would imply that it has its own physical network connection to your router. If you want to hide the share then in the Shares tab, click on the share you want to hide, scroll down to SMB Security Settings and change "Export" to "Yes (Hidden)" In fact, that's what "NFS" stands for: "network file system". please post unraid diagnositc. Click on each disk (e. Mar 12, 2013 · Just click on the disk # on the Main page. Prior to v6, if I'm not mistaken, you would have to click on the disk under Main > Array devices. By design. Oct 29, 2024 · windows 10/111 changed oauth and other smb security settings. Set AFP Security settings to "Yes" (as well as "Private" or "Secure" with user permissions) 2. On Feb 11, 2010 · I have the following settings: User shares: Enabled Share name: Movies. Sep 10, 2022 · To share/export the flash drive, you go to Main and Left- Click on Flash then under SMB Security Setting turn on 'Export:' and make sure the security is set to 'Public'. At first, I thought an UNRAID upgrade might have disabled the older SMB versions potential Jun 4, 2023 · if I use SMB Security Settings -》 Export: -》 Yes(hidden), then I can not login the SMB folder after using account name and password from WIN10. May 13, 2015 · I am on ver 6 but there the option to 'enable' disk export is under the SMB Security Settings tab on the menu for the disk that is accessed from the Main GUI page by double clicking on the disk name. Set “Security” to “Private” 4. Someone set up this unraid system for me. Updated to Beta 3, required readding/reconfiguring user accounts. Mar 27, 2021 · First let me say this previously worked. Mar 7, 2025 · If you right-click on a file or directory (that is on the Unraid server), pick 'Properties' and then change the settings under the 'Security' tab, you can set the ACL permissions on your server. The WSD and Enable NetBIOS options will not appear if you are on a prior version of unRAID). g Mar 25, 2021 · Use Read-Only shares whenever possible! Create other Users on your Unraid server and set the appropriate share access for each user. Is there a way to change the default SMB security (e. Apr 28, 2022 · When User Shares are automatically created, the default SMB security = Public. all is well, except smb sucks and is really slow with smaller files. This means everyone on my network has access to my data! Is there a way to change the default "export" (e. The only thing I can think of that has changed is I added the following line to my SMB settings: max protocol = SMB2_02. Click Settings > SMB (under Network Services). Setup at least one 'User' share and then click on the new share's name and under "SMB Security Settings", Export it as a 'Public' share. Pero aquí viene el problema. Secure will allow read access for "guests", users that don't exist in unRAID. Note that If you run Custom Tabs via the plugin, have a few of them, and your bro Jul 4, 2018 · The settings for the share are as follows: AFP Security settings, security - Public, export - no SMB Security settings, export - yes, enhanced OSX Interoperability - yes, security - public. This section enables you to control the visibility of the share on the network. 0-beta15-x86_64 with MacBook running Yosemite. ? I'm not a knowledgeable computer person. Jon Feb 21, 2017 · Here's the whole Shares/User directory root@HunterNAS:/mnt/user# ls -al total 20971836 drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 40 Feb 21 21:00 . uigf bhk cphuvv zcwgtm oswkd sylzt rgiitb yjocfy hxccivy xmpkfp hmpo gwweh ojba aoec schbrs