Tren cut results reddit Rotate Tren A and Anadrol at 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. And tren isn’t worth the sides. Or should I just use test and something else to retain as much muscle as possible until im low bf then run some shit like winny? I can cut super easy as i can control my appetite extremely well and actually enjoy the treadmill especially HIIT Goals of this cycle: Cut down to single-didget BF%. I will be re-testing my lifts I did 2 weeks ago tomorrow in about 11 hours to see if I gained any noticable strength from the compound. The results: 207lbs 12% bf -> 235lbs 13-14% bf. I do suppose I feel moderately more aggressive, though I am working a shit-ton of hours, so that can contribute to normal aggression. I used 20mg injectable PWO daily for three weeks and I got fuller, stronger, started to actually enjoy my workouts (even the depletion week) and probably looked better than I ever have. A mini-cut should not be used to get shredded or as the “kick-off” for a sustained fat loss Tren curbs my appetite and boosts my energy level from the DNP lethargy, adds in the muscle sparing so I can run a lower deficit, speeding the cut up. I run primo or mast in every cycle and tbh I do on cruise often too and zero hair issues not even shedding. I’ve been on tren for 12 weeks along w Test and Mast Prop, and on a cut I’ve seen quite a bit of strength maintenance and some prs, my shoulders are capped too. Obviously cutting is my mission. Mini-Cut – Based on what I was able to gather a mini-cut is meant to be an aggressive 4 – 8 week cut. These subsided within a few weeks but I don’t think I’d use tren E again. Tren will help keep estrogen under control, I forgot which mechanism causes this though. I gained some muscle but I was still having a lot of trouble losing fat. I have virtually no sides and make lean gains, but wouldn’t consider it a bulking cycle. The easter is pretty big. I'd keep Test 250 or less the whole cycle, Tren 280mg + one of those orals for 4 weeks, then up the Tren to 350mg and switch the oral or up the dose of the oral the next 4 weeks. There’s other compound out there safer than give just as good results First Tren Cycle always Ace, just be prepared for the side of Tren E if you don't like them it will take at least a week for them to subside Other than that, looks like a solid cycle. Pinning every day would be better. I have had them all in my past tren cycles. Alright ty. Right now because I’m not in the gym and I love being on Tren. Most days landed @ 2200cal Started @ 173lbs finished @ 185lbs Protocol Started test 175mg tren 280mg 4 weeks later test 210mg tren 350mg 25mg proviron 5mg cialis Pinning ED Macros @ 175g protein @ 200g carb @ 55g fat Split was 2xweek high volume chest/back, arms, legs Pretty much everything negative about deca applies to tren. I'm 7 days into a Tren 500-600mg/test p 250-300mg per week cycle. Now that I'm cruising for 10 weeks I'm upping it to 250mg/week. The answer was a resounding yes. I only have 4 months left I start long cut in January. I'd save the seros, use 2-3iu a day in 2 pins/day to cut down, when bf gets low, switch to your cycle you listed. Great for a cut. I have a full head. I will continue the tren for at least 6 weeks. . Tren ace had me wanting to run through a brick wall head first. Use a cruise dose of test maybe with half that tren and cut hard, get down to 8% then use gh insulina and blow to up to philsulina. Its interesting. 75mg= 4. Deca personally allowed me to keep my arm vascularity, but I lost my ab vascularity fairly quick due to bloat. If you go with tren A go for a lower concentration and step your way up slowly. This way you can maintain a good look and won't lose a lot of strength at all. I was using 600mg Tren and 600 Test per week if I remember correctly, it was a long time ago. I will eventually bump the Tren up to 100mg, I just want to stick my foot in the water right now to see how it feels. I'd estimate I'm getting around 2000cal, my maintainance is 3200 including exersize. While on tren I attempted to run T3 & clen but felt like my heart couldn't handle it so I The fat burning/increased lipolysis from tren is heavily overstated. 28 lbs, at most 10 is fat. At such a low dose side effects have been non existent. But the best part is I get to enjoy all this mostly side effect free. Don't let the bloat get to you. Doesn’t change the fact that Tren is the harshest steroid side-effect wise. And 200mg a week of tren is peanuts to many people. I stopped tren right before DNP due to knowledge about how bad the sweats were, but raised the test dosage slightly to compensate. I didn’t had access in my country to a “sensitive” E2 test so I assume parts of that is the Tren messing with the results. It might make your body more likely to use fat for energy in a deficit, but when people say they “got leaner and built muscle at the same time at maintenance” it’s really just a visual effect from the way tren pulls subcutaneous water into the muscles. Your cardio on DNP is fucked. Anavar would be a good choice too. Finally seeing abs for first time in my life and keeping muscle. Estrogen is kept low so de novo lipogenesis is strongly inhibited, Tren leans you out while both Tren and EQ give that huge boulder shoulder It makes tren sweats look easy by comparison. I can do all this calorie countine, iffym shit, etc. Currently on a tren a/m-tren blend, and sleep is a commodity. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. i also remember than deca and tren were often also not faked, but mixed with test. Dosed 700/175 week respectively. I think people are completely wrong about tren sides, completely wholistically wrong. Honestly my current tren "cut" is an incredible recomp. ill prolly always run 210 from now on. I’ve tan stuff in the past. I'd take victor blacks stance on ment so I agree with the person who responded to you like wtf avoid both (tren at 100-200mg contest prep fine) (deca sprinkled at 100-300mg ontop of a test and dht deraitive (injectable not oral) cycle instead of adding am oral (aside from proviron or var). This is partly due to the fact that you can see more minuscule results. I'm assuming adding winny would be even better cause it's also dry but you'd have to watch your joints like I said. I just wrapped up my first ever blast, and would like to share my results and findings. There’s other compound out there safer than give just as good results I just wrapped up my first ever blast, and would like to share my results and findings. Beginning to cut on purpose, this is easier than bulking for me because I'm just not naturally very hungry, and on Tren I basically just eat a little when I feel a hunger pang and end up massivley under my maintainance. ive run 210,350,750 tren ace. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Maybe low was the wrong word, reply above is what the wiki states which is what got me interested in an EQ/Tren cut. Your tren dose is still low, I'd say either 200 test e and 400 tren e or 250 and 500 would yield good results as well but it won't be that mega mythical tren magic everyone is talking about. Hoenstly it's been great. Edit: 350mg is actually a lot of Tren, if you’re new to it I’d really be careful and at least have P5P at 150-200mg a day if you want your pp to stay in good hands (if you’re not going to have caber or similar on hand. 11:30am daily, sub q, stomach, love handles. Basically, I did Tren to build a really good base! You can expect good results if your macros are on point and clean. 5 years of consistent training. I’m currently 10-12% and pretty fucking lean and wanna hit that 7-8% mark for the first time. such a Tren E at 150mg/wk Minimum dose of Tren E because Trensanity sets in when I run Test higher than Tren. I'm a 5'10" 34yo male, with just over 1. Tren enanthate has a half life of 11 days, so full life span in the body is 22 days. Nandrolone makes me grow much better than tren does and even with pharma test i hardly grow. Low tren? I blow up on 200 tren. Kills your appetite for most people and keeps you full while also keeping your strength. After reading some feedback on a possible tren cycle I’m looking into using mast for my cut instead. Loving the results 2 weeks in. Like I’ve told others. As opposite to the ”Super high doses of tren cycles”, let’s do a thread for low doses of tren cycles. "The effect of Tren and EQ on your physique during a cut is nothing short of freakish. Tren is good, but it takes TIME, just like any AAS. It's about the diet mostly. Ultimate recomp imo is tren, test, EQ, hgh, anavar and pushing a 300-500 calorie deficit for 20 weeks 300-500 calorie deficit recomp deficit that's called a cut bruh. You could stack multiple low dose compounds to achieve similar results in only a marginally longer space of time. Going very well so far. I know it sounds counter intuitive but you could drop the tren and cut on just test, maybe add DNP 250 mg ED right before you go to bed. You will definitely get results. I increased Adex to counteract after week 10. Fullness will be there during the Anadrol run. 700 tren a/180 test e I'm about 8 weeks in, dropped a few bf% and only 2 or 3 pounds lighter than I started. My ideal cut to look dry and veiny as fuck would have to be test p, tren a, mast p, winny though. Tren E is better than A in my opinion, longer lag time to kick in but the boost lasts longer and is actually easier to wind down from. You won't feel it but tren will already be fucking up your kidneys, liver, heart and brain. Went from 12% down to 7. I think they're confusing hunger for tren sides. I'm eating good clean food sources and piling in almost 5k a day. 5mg Tren Ace per day (6 ticks at . Most the Tren now is underground labs and depending on the vender, you might be getting much less actual Tren in your vials than you think. I figured tren was mostly for muscle retention during cutting. I wouldn't run it any longer than 8-10 weeks, personally. So I may have to drop back down. My sleep does seem a little more restless. Guy basically went week 6-10 on 350mg tren/wk with a couple of pre workout Dbol's added in. And a lot more people who are curious about low dose tren cycles. Within 2 weeks of tren I’m shedding like a dog. Dosages are 150mg test 210mg tren a Cals 2700 a day 200g protein Expected some strength gains but i struggle to get the reps i got on my bulk. Throw out your calculator, and eat less. a recomp is maintaining the same weight and exchange fat for muscle. Jan 22, 2023 · Recently started first cycle of 200mg Test Prop and 400mg of Tren Acetate a week for a 12-14 week cut. I think I'm gonna run the adrol next and then the tren again. Sounded like I could achieve my goals on mast with less sides. I'm about 4 weeks in and up 3kg. 5% of bodyweight a week and very likely should be in a daily 1,000+ calorie deficit. so if it's written 200mg deca/ml or 200mg tren/ml it was often half test and the rest deca/tren also dosage was always way more lower than on the label. Tren Ace has a half life of 3 days so its full lifespan within the body is 6 days. It was my first cycle and supposed to be a cut/recomp. General consensus is you should aim to lose between 1% - 1. you don't do that in a deficit. 5mg)— 9 tick marks total on slin pin. also test was not faked most of the time. Stats: 6' 1" 230lbs. First Tren Cycle always Ace, just be prepared for the side of Tren E if you don't like them it will take at least a week for them to subside Other than that, looks like a solid cycle. What good reason has anyone other than a competitive bodybuilder who has near maxed out the muscle mass on their frame got for using tren on a cut? I go out of my way time and time again to educate and help people on this and other sub reddits, pushing them towards the safer use model and trying to help mitigate unneccesary risks associated Was cutting on just test and primo and then added tren in to push for 8-9% bf. I only do 30 minutes of daily cardio bulking or cutting. You should gain strength and get pretty cut on a cycle like this. When I start eating clean, lower my carbs (I aim for 50-100g, and yes I feel like shit AT FIRST) I get results. For me 200 tren blows up my gyno, blows up my strenght, keeps me up at night, makes me horny like a rabies dog, and makes me get that alpha tunnel vision feeling. Remember, results aren't ALL about the gear. Overall: Favorite cut dose is 250 mg/wk Test: 700 mg/wk Tren Favorite bulk dose is 500 mg/wk TestL 525 mg/wk Tren however would increase the Test to 700 or 750 mg/wk. 650 for the first 20 then 250 after Tren is the hardest compound I’ve ever used on my hairline. For me though, NPP and tren ace were drastically different not just as far as the appetite goes but also in terms of feeling. ) All of my cycles of NPP and Tren were at low doses. I came to say to cut out the Anadrol for polycythemia. U get crazy gains and/or crazy sides aswell on 200 aswell. got a super hard vascular look, lost bodyfat, (appeared) to gain muscle, minimal strength increase, no negative sides. GOP/GPT (liver) went up as expected: 48/62 to 82/79 (U/L, <50 reference) LDH from 145 to 320 (U/L, <250 reference) Done a few cycles thus far, about to start my first Tren cycle on 200mg Tren Ace. Way more fucked than on tren at moderate dosages, although probably less fucked than tren at high or very high dosages. Jumping straight to 200-300mg Tren A then stopping, you will feel the crash regardless of what your test base is. Most days landed @ 2200cal Started @ 173lbs finished @ 185lbs Protocol Started test 175mg tren 280mg 4 weeks later test 210mg tren 350mg 25mg proviron 5mg cialis Pinning ED Macros @ 175g protein @ 200g carb @ 55g fat Split was 2xweek high volume chest/back, arms, legs Alright ty. Started at 181 lbs - 8% shredded on some test 500mg mast and winstrol, started my caloric surplus blast 12 weeks ago on 1g test and 700g tren, I've blown up quite a bit since then strength is absolutely through the roof. E2 bioavail: 14 -> 239 (pg/ml). 210mg test 140mg tren. And LOVED my results. Jun 8, 2021 · I'm 6 weeks into my tren cycle using 250 mg of tren ace per week and 500 mg of test cyp per week and I got to say results are great. I went from 12. On week 9 of a Tren-Ace/Test-P cycle. During my test/tren/primo blast I was on 180-200mg test weekly. I don't really feel the insane Tren sex drive. I scavenged the internet with so many searches for this information paired with what people on here. 10 week cut results (34/M) on ~900 calorie deficit- 180 to 159 lbs Just wanted to post my experiences with a deep caloric deficit of somewhere around 900 calories over a 10 week cut. didnt even notice i was on tren til i look in the mirror. Pic below. It’s not worth it. Ya’ll act like tren is some miracle drug because Tik Tok makes you believe you take tren for 4 weeks and that’s a blast. I just went up to 175mg of tren and my sleep is starting to become a problem. You need to throw a lot of carbs at tren if you want to put on weight. Very few people legitimately need Tren bro, unless you’re on contest prep and even if I was I wouldn’t ever touch Tren. Might play with lowering both Test and Tren to minimize sides and hopefully extend cycle length before I break up with my gf because Tren says bitch aint shit but hos and tricks. What a hell of a cycle. I ran test, tren, EC before. What do you suggest to run for the cut? Ive only ever ran sterotypical bulking compounds. Feeling much better- weird junk cravings less intense than last week. Of course it takes longer to reduce caliper measurements, but IF you really are in a deficit, you can easily drop 1% in a week. 5% to 7. I was able to easily eat 4000 calories a day on NPP and I could barely get down 2000 on tren ace. Two NPP cycles of 300mg/week and 1 Tren cycle of 150mg/week. This is alot of Muscle memory. I also started week 1 of my 'mini-cut'. NPP had me like pumped up and kinda excited. Even if you'll feel fine, no mental and emotional sides, no tren cough, no hypersexuality, nothing, you're body would still silently be getting fucked by tren. The recomp effects are insane on tren, but sleeping is a royal pain in the After reading all the comments and seeing your plan. My gains have ben moderate, I'm doing a cut/recomp and have stayed bang on same weight, but I do look better (fat mustve been replaced by muscle) and my shoulders have more shape than they ever have, but they are a weak spot that've been operated on before - but nothing as drastic as i was led to believe has happened, I'm pretty disappointed, I Weeks 1-8: Dbol 10mg 3x/day Weeks 1-5: Test Cyp 200mg 2x/week Weeks 6-10: Test E 300mg 3x/week Weeks 6-9: Tren A 50mg/day Going by this, at week 6 he started pinning Test E, which means it's going to be at least 4 weeks till it builds up. You can cut on anything, and get results. BF around 14% This cycle will be: 25mg Test P, 50mg Mast P, 50mg Tren A Every Day. My goals are to preserve muscle while cutting down to 6-8% bf and getting that hard dry vascular look. Fwiw, I've been running tren since February and I get literally zero side effects from it. Did a body recomp on it over 12 weeks getting to near contest condition quite easily, though there was too much Test in the blend to cut down easily and I had no Arimidex. I use to do start with 200mg Tren A for 3 weeks than 400mg Tren E for 8 weeks, with a taper down with Tren A for the final 3 weeks. Thats a big dose of tren bro lol. Take naps when you can, use some sleep aids, plenty of tudca for lethargy, regular sleep schedule. You might even get to experience tren cough too. Just follow your diet properly and you'll love your results when you drop the water after finishing your run with it. Caber on-hand. I am wondering will I be able to hit this at maintenance calories on a Tren recomp in 8 weeks or should I just cut? Jun 8, 2021 · Honestly, 200mg of tren per week is all you should need. Wanting to add tren a in at 75 mg daily with the first 2 days front loaded at 150mg. Tren dosages were moderate (350-500) and test was at 250. Week 3- (day 22-32) Appetite finally leveled out. Gained 10% on all lifts, bench went from 275x6 to 315x6, DB military 100x8 to 110x9, deadlift 455x2 to 475x3, Bent Rows 275x8 to 315x10, Leg Press 24 platesx10 to 26 plates x 14. Is my logic completely off or just the scale of the effect? How does trest compare with with tren on nutrient partitioning? 100mg Tren E is not that much. But at the same time, a higher BF% does lead to added estrogen from testosterone as well as an increase in bad side effects! That is why I did a cut on Tren. I recomped, gained strength, 15lbs, leaned out, got abs and striations. Putting weight on lifts hand and fist. Hardness will come from the Tren. It hasn't been crazy, my strength is pretty good. 242 down to 230@15% 6'1. People run tren to cut and it's strong enough that they usually run really big caloric deficits. Tren seems to also make me break out with body acne much worse than any other compound. Been there done that. 5 X the amount of EQ to use as my ancillary or take Anastrozole as needed. The recomp effects are insane on tren, but sleeping is a royal pain in the I don't trust you. Obligatory don't run DNP unless you're doing short runs of it, have done all the research you can, stay below 4mg/kg, take supplements and electrolytes, hydrate properly and don't expose yourself Hi! So Tren E and Tren A are two different varieties. Other than dehydration and feeling warmer at night is this safe to run together? I see a lot of posts online saying both sides and was hoping for some personal input. Please update us on the results. If I decided to cut, I think I would choose this compound to try, as I was barely doing any cardio (30-40minutes a week) and was noticing fat loss. I am also about to design this cycle but with double or 1. The negative though: you won't get crazy veiny like on tren, winny, and other cutting compounds. Slow and steady is still good though as this is a marathon and not a sprint. I've never grown this quick since my first cycle. Kind of sounds like tren is keeping your body weight up, it was actually designed for this purpose in cattle who were not fed much. Or should I just use test and something else to retain as much muscle as possible until im low bf then run some shit like winny? I can cut super easy as i can control my appetite extremely well and actually enjoy the treadmill especially HIIT Tren E is better than A in my opinion, longer lag time to kick in but the boost lasts longer and is actually easier to wind down from. It was a tren cycle with Tren A (10 weeks) first and then tren E (6 weeks). Waist is shrinking, vascularity is going crazy, but I've added so much mass to my chest and shoulders at the same time. That's what I'm currently on. ) Just to inject a question about Tren Ace real quick. Dec 14, 2019 · If your goal with Tren is to cut, I'd highly recommend starting it at a higher dose especially if you're only running it 8 weeks. The fat burning/increased lipolysis from tren is heavily overstated. 8 week recomp/“cut-ish” cycle @ 2000cal. Over all I'm very pleased with the You got to remember that pros were getting pharma grade Tren back in the day so of course didn't take it at high doses. 9%. Mar 4, 2022 · On Tren or no Tren, I see weightloss within one or two days of starting a cut, and almost everyday until the cut ends. Lifting for ~ 6 years. Goal is mainly to hold onto / build some muscle while I'm in a deficit. Personally tren starts to shine the longer you are on. Or as a kickstart. I'm thinking about going on a 2 month cut pretty soon, but the only way I see Tren as being a viable option is if it could ADD SIZE despite of being in a caloric deficit, because a gram of test cannot (in my case), and it would be a big waste of money of Tren was not any different. Been on tren a for a week for a cut, first time tren. 2% in two months while putting on muscle and setting pb's every other week. I am currently running 500 mg Test/wk and 700 Tren/wk, Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. The tren sides really hit me around the 600/700 mark, so I'll only blast that for a few weeks before cruising. 5" Dec 14, 2019 · I've had good cuts stacking Tren with Ostarine 30mg, Epiandro 900mg or Proviron 75-100mg. Started Tren A 100mg ED/Test P 30mg ED. I got lucky here but mostly everyone will experience most of the sides. It was fantastic for my physique. Also, about tren. Favorite dose for libido 500 mg/wk Test, 525 mg/wk Tren Results: Started at 199 lbs and 17% body fat from a very dirty bulk before hand Finished at 180 lbs and 8% body fat. I don't grow from tren, i do well over 200mg a week with eh results. So adding another dry compound is easier for the sides. I don't trust you. I'm on a tren bulk at the moment. was able to run for 15 weeks, prolly could have for longer tbh. I ran a cycle similar to this, but with about 200+ more cals, by the end of week 4 i was starving all of the time. Tren even at low dose will give you this false dopamine fueled energy and false belief everything is going super well while most of the time you don't even realize it deeply modify your behavior plus it removes shitload of water subQ while adding 5 to 10 lbs (depending on your dose) of glycogen straight into your muscle that will leave the moment you remove the compound. Definitely keep up the cardio as that'll help with the cut. Everyone responds differently. Don’t do it. I know here are many people using only low doses(100-300mg) of tren, instead of the usual 400-700mg/week. Next I used it to finish off a cut with 120test 700tren/mast during a mock peak week to see if I wanted to use it for a show. However, I'm 2 weeks in and instead of losing any weight I've gained roughly about 5kg's ( I'm aware some of this is water weight). And definitely go with Tren Ace if you weren't already planning on it. Over all I'm very pleased with the Week 3 dosage (10 days)- 3 mg Test P/4. So using this logic, then at maintenance HGH would suffice because you wouldn't need as much muscle retention protection at maintenance as you would on a cut. To help with sides, you can always incorporate Proviron (oral) or Masteron (injection). So you'll go 4 weeks on 350mg Tren then 4 weeks on Anadrol 100mg and increase Tren dose by 100mg each "mini cycle". I will be cutting in the spring with a Tren cycle again, where I plan on starting at 150 and slowly working up to maybe 200 or 250mg/week, depending on how my body responds and the sides. Cuting pretty aggresively, but as some of you know, I am in sales, so that means lunches/dinners/happy hours pretty regularly. I am having great results with the Tren, weight is up without fat gain, managing sides well, etc Lately I have been seeing a bit of conflicting information on the length of a tren cycle. When I cut- as soon as I lower my carbs drasticlly I immediately start to see results. Apr 29, 2020 · In my opinion it’s a much better cutting compound, I love the results I get from 300-500mg/wk test and 400-600mg/wk tren, with a clean caloric intake around 3-4K. I will 100 run it during the cut I think it will shine best there, but I think tightening up at the end of the build is also the move. I've taken between 250-650mg a week for 25 weeks. 210 was easily my favorite. Being consistent overrides shitty genetics, don’t make excuses for people to accept “shitty genetics as an excuse” His IG says he’s a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, who’s been prepping athletes/competitors since 2012 and training the general population since 2008. Sides probably won't be as bad without tren Your gonna love tren except for the fucking sleep issues. So that I could get to my LBM, and then start from there. I'm still going to cut while I cruise. Sides within days. Trt test (125mg) with 50mg tren A eod is my go to on a cut and I get no noticeable sides. I will for sure run it again. Sides probably won't be as bad without tren Don’t do it. Ran 600 test 350 tren 500 mast for the cycle i just finished today (sad times ahead). I can see why people love this stuff. I don’t think your gonna get the most out of it at that dose. Insomnia, digestion issues, sweats.
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