Totk dupe glitch fixed. My copy of TotK just arrived today.
Totk dupe glitch fixed 2 . 2 for Tears of the May 23, 2023 路 New Hyper Dupe Method - 20 Diamonds in under 30 seconds by u/USBdongle6727 in TOTK Here are the exact steps, as outlined by Tears of the Kingdom subreddit user 'USBdongle6727': 1. I try to not take shortcuts on first playthroughs of any kind because I like the feeling of having to help myself out of bad situations. This guide will provide you with all the information needed to execute an easy item dupe glitch in Zelda: TOTK. May 30, 2023 路 The duplication glitch introduced in patch 1. The bug allows gamers to multiply items May 25, 2023 路 Find out how to pull off the easiest duplication glitch yet, and get your inventory maxed out before Nintendo patches this out sooner than later. ) Here is the list so far, feel free to add any in the comments: PATCHED: Midair sort duplication Zonai sort duplication Autobuild cancel slide Map dual weapon glitch/map-based weapon duplication Not even finished with the game and I somehow triggered multiple blood moons. Removing a fuse and adding something else will not add durability. As an adult with a full time job, I didn't hesitate to dupe. 10. Not sure why. However, gamers are not happy about this. So far it's ran with little to no hiccups, no game breaking bugs, and I fixed the random crashes finally. This is probably old news at this point, but I figured out how to duplicate my weapon using the zuggling glitch ONLY for 1. The other ways might work, but the paraglider version and pause n’ drop do not. Hold the button to throw your weapon (without finally got the glitch down and reaping all of the rewards 馃挼 Jun 2, 2023 路 Though older dupe glitches were patched out in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, there are still some pretty fast methods for duping in 1. This way is a lot faster than doing the glitch normally, as you don’t need to climb onto anything; just jump. I have always had automatic updates turned off on my Switch, so the last time I updated TotK manually was for v1. Feel free to share news, reviews, opinions, fan art, humour, videos, or anything else Zelda. The following is a large list of all the known glitches that can be performed in Tears of the Kingdom. At the exact same time, press the ‘Y’ and ‘B’ buttons. We share secrets, glitches, tricks, and more related to Bungie's game Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Just found a new dupe glitch with shield surfing. Negative midair throw duplication (the most powerful material dupe yet) Tulin speed glitch (this one seems less consistent than it was before. Duplication glitch is great for trying to upgrade all of your armor sets to circumvent the in-game economy or if you just want a stockpile of strong crafting parts, or other endgame stuff You don’t actually have to really grind for much else if you’re just trying to beat the story or blowing stuff up I just tried to do the paraglider material dupe glitch, and the drop n’ pause weapon dupe glitch, and it’s been patched. 2 has this glitch patched). However, that hasn't deterred fans, as people keep finding new ways to easily duplicate items in unintended ways. Checked my game info and see its now 1. I made 32k in 2 minutes yesterday using the glitch posted then but you could only have 21x of an item at a time because it had to be dropped to put it in the last slot (required for that glitch) so this makes things way better Similar to BOTW, TOTK has had problems with stuff being genuinely too expensive to actually get done in a good amount of time. Here’s how to do the duplicate glitch in TotK: Equip the weapon you want to duplicate. Get on a cliff Jump off that cliff and glide Open up ur inventory Make sure that the item you want to dupe is on the very bottom of the list, this is done to ensure that you dont lose any items since the glitch takes away anything to the right of the item you want to dupe so when theres nothing next to it you dont lose anything. step 3: proceed to do the duplication glitch attach material, press Y - drop - equip new bow - press Y/Y very quickly to go into inventory and finally drop the bow that is equipped step 4: this step was the creme god send - when you exit your inventory with Y the final time tilt joystick back and press A to pick up the two bows as they are The glitch isn't the sword. Here’s the important part. May 15, 2023 路 On day one, players already figured out how to dupe unfound items in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom; here's how to replicate the bug. 2. La duplication d’objets dans The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom est techniquement une triche d’exploitation, mais cela ne signifie pas qu’elle n’est pas extrêmement utile pour les armes, boucliers et objets particulièrement difficiles à trouver. Any idea if it's been fixed? I want to download the day one patch, but not if it includes a newer patch fixing the glitch. Confirmed this glitch is available with the 1. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and search for your topic/question before posting. e. Best place to do it imo is just off the ledge north of the Ukouh shrine. The result being I can now focus on enjoying the game, the narrative, having fun messing around and the writing of some quests instead of spending evenings hunting down materials to upgrade my armors or getting stuff, which feels like a chore itself. Step 4, press… That’s what Im using the dupe for, the loooow rate rare stuff. Bring your horse to the edge of some ledge that you can walk off of, i suggest using the fallen rocks by outskirt stable, (-1427 -1241 0038) May 31, 2023 路 This doesn’t seem to have lasted too long though as a new item duplication glitch has hit the shores of Hyrule. Works on all versions of Zelda Totk. Same thing happened to me i turned off updates, selected skip update when starting up the game later tried to duplicate items and it wasnt working. Some equipment upgrades require items that are annoying or difficult to get, for example dragon parts: you have to find the dragon, land on it, get the one part you want, then come back later. 0) that fixes quest bugs and eliminates a series of duplication glitches to earn infinite rupees and dupe items. If you’d like to duplicate a shield then first make sure to fuse it to a weapon and proceed with the general process. Recommended Videos Does the 1. Was this glitch patched? Whenever I try to throw and drop an item at the same time the game says "you can't take that out now". Had most success when placing them in different order, (Duping item, first to drop, equipped). Nintendo has already patched out old duplication methods and the new May 26, 2023 路 Nintendo has released patch for Version 1. This is done by May 23, 2023 路 Then, select the item you want to duplicate and hold however many you want in your hands. 0 which doesn't have any known dupe glitches Could you explain more? Like what sword and shield do you have on and where are you doing it. And the dupe glitches on tiktok for this update arent working for mw Yes 1. Jun 2, 2023 路 And with each patch, multiple different item duplication glitches have been fixed. Step 3, hit hold on 5 of a item you want to dupe. 0 patch. Less than a week after launch, on version 1. I want to try the glitch with auto build but it doesn't seem to be working. I can't figure out how to see what version of the game I have, so I don't know if I just did it wrong or if Nintendo patched the glitch. Anyone know if the dupe glitch has been fixed? You know selling stuff with mouseover to sell more than you have? [TOTK] is there still a weapon dupe glitch in 1. Before you can utilize this method to max out your Energy Cell in ToTK, you must have visited the Great Abandoned Central Mine in the Depths at least once. 1 (1. The reason why we liked dupe glitches is because we didn’t have to spend quite literally hours getting dragon parts for a single gear upgrade or two. Once you switch to new bow in menu and hit plus really fast the material still appears on new bow but you can no longer drop it to get the material pickup:( Jun 2, 2023 路 First and foremost, if you have a penchant for duping items in TOTK, turn off automatic updates on your Nintendo Switch. You can do the glitch up to 5 times per jump, but the items despawn after 21, so do it only 4 times to get the maximum amount of items. A single dragon scale takes 10 minutes to get another. 1, players have already found a massive glitch that allows them to easily get additional copies of items stored in their inventory. I also bought all the compendium pictures he had (I had lots of rupees from dupe glitch). Here’s how to do the dupe The material duplication glitch involving bows and entering and exiting the pause menu has been fixed. UPDATE: All known duplication glitches have been fixed in Ver 1. 0 /r/Zelda is the unofficial hub for anything and everything The Legend of Zelda - the iconic Nintendo series. Parcourir Hyrule n’est pas une tâche facile dans Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, car les joueurs se heurteront à des endroits difficiles et à des ennemis puissants alors qu’ils cherchent les nombreux sanctuaires Jul 5, 2023 路 Nintendo has updated TotK with a new patch (version 1. Each glitch will come with instructions on what the glitch does, how to perform the glitch, and if the glitch has been patched (i. Step one, hop onto your mech. Recommended Videos Update: 5/25/2023 : If you’re planning up doing the duplication glitch , do not update your copy of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to version 1. May 31, 2024 路 How to do the Mineru Duplicate Item Glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom version 1. If you're willing to lose the save data for your other games and have the physical cartridge you can also factory reset the Switch and never let the Switch connect to the internet during and after setup to keep it from trying to force the game to update. Members Online Idk to me it just spoils the first time experience. Does anybody know how to fix it or another method? I used the dupe glitch only a little, I made some diamonds as an emergency fund, I don't plan to sell them unless I really want something now. Been playing on this version exclusively, most stable for me on emulator. B) get on the 5th sage and open inventory, hood dupe items, y+b, profit even faster. 0 Either of these methods are better and faster and work anywhere A) paraglide then + in air, hold dupe items, y+b, profit. But their economies suck. The Y+B dupe is small compared to the stuff people discover. Jul 16, 2023 路 This guide covers how to duplicate items in Tears of the Kingdom with three different methods, which can lead to infinite diamonds, infinite money, and even infinite Hylian Shields (or other May 22, 2023 路 A duplication glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom offers an easy way to get infinite materials and rupees, or create duplicates of any weapon, shield, or bow. 200K subscribers in the TOTK community. Its a lot like the weapon duplication glitch with the like-like but the results are a bit different as this will dupe materials first, you need to get a sturdy stick (I have not tried any others yet), a low-damage bow, a weapon with the item you would like to dupe fused to it, and a low-level shield (such as the old wooden shield or a pot lid) Glitch hunters exist. May 26, 2023 路 The infinite item glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom enables players to duplicate materials in an instant, so here’s how you can fill your inventory with rare monster parts and other items. 0 update patch the tobio’s hollow chasm dupe glitch I have been testing to see what glitches still work in the most recent patch, released may 25th (about 2 hours ago. 2(current patch) easy material duplication glitch Tips and Tricks Exact coordinates: 1022 -2265 -0155 (inside tobio’s hollow chasm) Use a multi shot bow (lynel bow) and fuse what you want to dupe to your arrow then shoot up towards the east. The glitch will require you to manually save the game when you have the weapon you want to duplicate equipped and in your hand. Make sure that Link's back is against a wall then grab as much Zonai Devices you want to duplicate, then press Y and B at the exact same time (Y and + works too) and if it says "You can't take that out here" check you're devices and you have successfully duplicated Zonai Devices! Pretty sure this still works on 1. 0. I made 32k in 2 minutes yesterday using the glitch posted then but you could only have 21x of an item at a time because it had to be dropped to put it in the last slot (required for that glitch) so this makes things way better There has been a new infinite rupee glitch discovered that is much faster then the frozen meat glitch and works in 1. I have the steps below, but basically you will zuggle until you have the correct amount of weapons you desire and then drop that weapon to generate x amount of weapons. There's a whole 20 minute video on YouTube about the broken game mechanics that went into glitching the bow of light into botw (coolest game glitch ever) and the discovery of that was literally some guy going "hmm, I wonder if I can do this". 2 is said to fix the popular duplication glitch. 1. 2 de TotK. Bonus, if you pickup items in between dupes it menu This method: -Works very consistently -Requires no timing or movement -Can dupe 6 to 8 items per minute. Version 1. According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), multiple Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players are looking for ways to retain the Dupe glitch. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Dupe glitch . You can only do one at a time and only a max of 20 though . Easier than tobio hollow imo. From there, throw the Check out this super easy duplication glitch using Mineru the Fifth Sage. Meaning, players are once again wreaking havoc and loading up on the game’s most I’m not super knowledgeable about this sort of stuff but from what I do know, BotW left in a lot of this sort of thing, like whistle sprinting, but then it was fixed for TotK (maybe intentionally, maybe not, it is in an entirely different engine so it’s possible some glitches would be fixed just from that), so from that I’d think this Ignore this glitch completely on 1. I have updated the list. Here’s how to do the dupe glitch. - Drop weapon, drop equipped weapon, equip weapon to dupe, Double click Plus (+), drop equipped weapon. May 26, 2023 路 A new patch for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom released Thursday addresses a number of glitches in the Switch game that let players duplicate items. Have the item May 29, 2023 路 You can do the unpatched duplication glitch with a weapon, bow, or shield. May 26, 2023 路 Since Zelda: TOTK launched, players have found joy with an unintended duplication glitch allowing players to spawn more items, foodstuffs and combat gear to their hearts’ content. . Fusing a part to (almost)any weapon will add 25 durability Once. Similar to BOTW, TOTK has had problems with stuff being genuinely too expensive to actually get done in a good amount of time. (Can be done by dropping it and picking it back up) That’s what Im using the dupe for, the loooow rate rare stuff. EDIT: Duplication glitch aren't fixed! General Updates Fixed issue where, sometimes, the player could not clear main quest “The Closed Door,” even if they fulfilled the conditions to advance the quest. It was fast and effective when used with the weapon dupe glitch via shock emmiter glitch. Could you explain more? Like what sword and shield do you have on and where are you doing it. -Does not require saving/loading/memories May 26, 2023 路 To dupe infinite hearts and stamina food in TotK, you’ll want to take note of a few requirements: A type of ingredient with an effect that you want to maximize – For instance, healing and gaining temporary hearts would mean choosing a Big Hearty Truffle or Big Hearty Radish. (Can be done by dropping it and picking it back up) Method 1. ) Most whistle sprinting alternatives Edit: It seems that at least one of the glitches I thought was patched does still work. Use the Y+B glitch, while using a paraglider, and you can duplicate 20 items in one jump. 1 update and I can’t get it to work now. Method 1. If you turn off auto update then it won't, but you'd be starting at 1. I skipped the latest update for now because I have no shame exploiting the item duplication glitch, but it seems to no longer be working at all (prior I made a few hundred My copy of TotK just arrived today. This glitch makes things so much easier. Also, this glitch goes best with a 30 minute buff, so you'll need at least one dragon horn to get the best benefits- if you don't have one or don't want to farm one you can add whatever else might fit into the recipe for a decreased time. The duplication glitch has NOT been patched yet as of version 1. I’ve tried doing the duplication glitch on the new 1. I love botw and totk. Downloading the update will allow players to proceed past that May 31, 2024 路 How to do the Mineru Duplicate Item Glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom version 1. 2 of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that removes every duplication glitch from the game. Yes, the very glitch that has been used to accrue thousands of rupees and scarce resources appears to May 22, 2023 路 A duplication glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom offers an easy way to get infinite materials and rupees, or create duplicates of any weapon, shield, or bow. May 22, 2023 路 This article is part of a directory: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Complete Guide & Walkthrough Honestly the worst part of BotW and TotK for me is that I find cool cameo or unique weapons and then I permanently display in the house cause it feels like a waste to break them, or in TotK's case even fusing onto them. What you want to do next is perform a shield surf and while you're in the air you want to go into your inventory, hold the golden apple first, then whatever item you want to dupe. If you have already encountered this issue, you will be able to clear the quest by downloading this update data. 0 Step 1. It's based on how fuse works. If not, let me know. When I need it. Midair throw duplication. Since this glitch isn't extensively tested, there may be other factors in success rate. May 26, 2023 路 Fixed an issue in the main quest, “Camera Work in the Depths”, where players could not progress beyond a certain point. 2 has a duplication glitch. This guide will provide you with all the information needed to execute an easy item dupe glitch in May 26, 2023 路 The latest TotK software update version 1. You want to have exactly 1 golden apple in your inventory since it is the first item when you sort by type. While this specific glitch in the video is great because it exists, it takes a hell of a lot more time to get items and some items might not be duplicateable as easy - exploding things and flowers Weapon Dropped last will be duped. Very easy to use. 馃槶 Jun 5, 2023 路 The latest update has also fixed the popular ‘Item Duplication’ or ‘Dupe’ glitch. 1 Modding Tip/Trick Need some rupees and diamonds and feel like I get more star fragments than diamonds in this one. If you’re posting this on account of the drop throw item dupe glitch being patched in 1. I hvent even begun to do zonai battery upgrades. 2 in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom allows players to duplicate any weapon in their inventory consistently. This is Zelda not Animal Crossing 1. If so, are there any other dupe glitches you guys know of that I can try out? 184 votes, 66 comments. Not sure if this has been discovered or posted already but wanting to share this zonai device duplication. Learn all glitches, tried and tested exploits, duplication glitches, and tricks to make your life easier in Tears of the Kingdom! Tobios hollow glitch was the second best item dupe glitch. 1 an easy fix has been found im not sure who found it so if anyone knows please reply to this with credit to them, Anyways start out like a normal drop throw dupe would work make sure you have only one in your inventory and prepare to throw the item. Very fast. The Legend of Zelda; Tears Of The Kingdom Do any of the item dupe glitches still work on version 1. #savageconstructs #zelda #totk #glitches #glitch Just wondering if anyone else ran into this issue. 2? Reply reply DepartmentOk597 May 17, 2023 路 Un glitch de duplication a été découvert dans The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Jul 13, 2023 路 You can duplicate materials and weapons using glitches and exploits in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). May 25, 2023 路 How to Use the Duplication Glitch to Max Out the Energy Cell in Tears of the Kingdom. Open your inventory and Save the game. This glitch will alleviate my disdain for the weapon durability which kept me from completing BotW. Only thing I did was I recently talked to Robbie and unlocked all the purah pad features at the same time (I have all the temples, all the surface towers, etc). Like being short on healing items or food buffs, I like to just work through that, rather than say, load a save and spam a dupe glitch. Jun 14, 2023 路 Ce problème de duplication a été corrigé par Nintendo avec la version 1. For some reason the glitch won't work if you don't. So far got the Master Sword, full map unlocked, and 1/4 great regional phenomena done. Découvrez comment dupliquer n’importe quel objet. Sadly. Make sure you have a sword and shield equipped. fixed) or not. Not even finished with the game and I somehow triggered multiple blood moons. Step 2, go into your inventory. Im trying to get it to dupe bigger items such as hinox guts but they just end up hitting eachother and destroying eachother, does anyone know other dupe glitches for totk 1. You can do this multiple times before you land. 10 minutes. But yeah each their own. amzix fmqkn uniqgia bghxya zdi xjetg hxcqyy mdgjc sjrkjg pkksftq httorv opq sklz qnckk hvkoqe