R orthodox christian. Exercise caution in forums such as this.

R orthodox christian Pray with them have there friends over. A new and unusual way of solving a problem could be referred to as unorthodox, while a common and 'normal' mainstream way of solving a problem might be referred to as orthodox. Discover the transformative power of ancient Christian practices and how they can deepen your faith today. But, I had at least one priest tell me, even that is not necessary as 1) many martyrs/saints were the first ones with that name (St. However - and I must make this plain from the outset - this would be run and overseen by (an) Orthodox Christian(s) specifically to cater to an Orthodox Christian community. All Pastors and Parish Choirs are invited to participate by sending in a pre-recorded video including a greeting by your parish priest. Moderation of this subreddit will exhibit an Eastern Orthodox and mainstream bias. I became Orthodox about 8 years ago due to some community struggles in my Lutheran church which lead to a level of disillusionment with the individualist model of Christianity. 48-49, excerpted from The Concern of the Orthodox Church for the Salvation of the World by Rev. It goes into a lot of detail on the orthodox view on sexuality, through the lens of same-sex attraction. For one Orthodox family, the response is to ask for help building an Orthodox memorial chapel that can also be used for Orthodox missions in their area. The Orthodox Church in America. I also enjoyed his books Black, Red, White and Green. Greek Orthodox Church (Greek: Ἑλληνορθόδοξη Ἐκκλησία, Ellinorthódoxi Ekklisía, IPA: [elinorˈθoðoksi ekliˈsia]) is a term that can refer to any one of three classes of Christian churches, each associated in some way with Greek Christianity, Levantine Arabic-speaking Christians or more broadly the rite used in the The Eastern Orthodox believe that the state of the soul in Hades can be affected by the love and prayers of the righteous up until the Last Judgment. G. Here’s a list of DoD approved faith codes, for your consideration This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. Modern Orthodox Judaism, is a movement within Orthodox Judaism; Kemetic Orthodoxy, an Egyptian neo-pagan religion that intends to reform and restore ancient Egyptian religion; Orthodox Bahá'í Faith, a small Baha'i denomination; Orthodox Hinduism, a term for Sanātanī; Orthodox Islam, generally refers to Sunni Islam But there are different opinions on both sides. r/ChristianOrthodoxy: The Orthodox Church, is the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ. We who are pious Christians ought to love our enemies and forgive them. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 850 articles and 3,000 printed pages. They might do this because of pride or stubbornness or a genuine misunderstanding that went uncorrected. Incidentally, the Priest at my nearby Antiochian Orthodox Church is married and has 6 children. However, there's nothing at all preventing a man with a wife and kids to become an Orthodox Priest and still be wed. I think he was being facetious; the rules for Orthodox fasting are usually stated as they are stated for monasteries, and in most monastery typikons (rule-sets, basically) they will not eat or drink water for the first three days of great Lent and at a few other times in the year. Get the full picture. Another troublesome aspect is that when OCD hits, so does heavy depression, which leaves someone vulnerable. But among Orthodox theologians, thankfully, we're starting to see some serious attempts to work out what Orthodox politics can look like in other contexts, including liberal democratic contexts. Content should not be treated as a substitute for offline interaction. My question is, as an Orthodox Christian, is it wrong to have Native American art in my home (dreamcatcher, medicine wheel, etc. I know a pries who was won over to Orthodoxy by his friendship with Orthodox kid in a nondenominational christian school. Christ chose to die for us not to appease an angry God the Father, but rather to give us a chance to survive death and have a new lease on eternal life. If you haven’t read them I can’t rec This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. The idea of tradition vs. The Russian Orthodox, maybe not the individual members, but certainly the high ranking clergy, seem to be more concerned with being Russian than Orthodox right now. Orthodox communities are cold and unwelcoming, and they don't use English. You can't receive the sacrament of marriage together because Orthodox sacraments are only for Orthodox. It's not blessed as of yet. Yeah no, don't read just Inferno. Mar 4, 2025 · In the realm of Orthodox Christianity, discussions surrounding baptism and the nature of sacraments can be deeply polarizing. Even from Christian therapists that are Protestant and while having their differences should still understand how people who come from Roman Catholic or Orthodox countries feel. The Orthodox church is inherently nationalistic (which implies that Orthodoxy foments or attracts racism and prejudice). Especially around Pascha. The Orthodox Church absolutely recognizes my marriage to my wife. com The Orthodox Christian Church, also called the “Eastern Orthodox,” “Greek Orthodox” Church, or simply “the Orthodox Church,” is the oldest Christian Church in the world, founded by Jesus Christ and with its beginnings chronicled in the New Testament. 2. Built into oKyrios membership and marketplace is referral program that directly pays our leaders and ministries 20% of membership fees and 5% of Marketplace sales for all members they refer. My advice for you is to take it slow, take baby steps into Orthodoxy, it is a very foreign feeling Church, it took me about 9 years to learn stuff about The 12 Feasts, Orthodox Views on everything, and Orthodox Practices, how stuff works within The Orthodox Church, the Schism, Apostolic Succession, all those things will come to YOU as you What is the Orthodox Christian Creed? The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, often referred to as the Orthodox Christian Creed, was formulated during the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325 and later expanded at the Council of Constantinople in AD 381. Secondly- Orthodox Christianity is not an intelectual endeavor- you don't need to be highly versed in biblical and patristic studies in order to be a good Christian. Those with tabletop roleplaying game experience understand that these games do not necessarily need to include non-Christian topics or themes, but this specific game would 50K subscribers in the OrthodoxChristianity community. This is a women's only sub-please obtain a flair before participating! Heretics are previously Orthodox Christians who decide to perpetuate false teachings. There's a Russian group and a Greek group. He was writing within a specific context, as all the fathers were, so the precise application of the principles he is speaking of may be different, but the basic principles that underly what The purpose of oKyrios is to fund Orthodox monasteries and ministries. These practices—rooted in centuries of faith—are not just about self-denial but about creating a deeper, more meaningful connection with God. I will be asking my Priest. I chose Anglicanism, essentially as a gateway drug. 6, pp. Also read Purgatorio and Paradiso. The inner joy of Christ is different from the basic happiness or excitement of this world. scripture is a false dichotomy. Relics and icons are only there because they have a purpose, not as objects of worship. Looking for the Orthodox Faith? You can find it in the Western Orthodox Christian Church, the first since the Great . I don't know of any former Orthodox going Evangelical. Many Orthodox converts get their taste of the truth of Apostolic Christianity by your kids. This is a subreddit to discuss and share classical aspects and traditions within Christianity, notably with regard to liturgics, music, manuscripts, and culture related to the many traditions of the ancient and venerable Christian Churches & rites across the world: Eastern & Oriental Orthodox, Roman & Eastern Catholic, Church of the East, etc. This is not "I need some arguments to use against my atheist friend" or "I think this might be the 3rd testament, you guys should consider it" type post. From Orthodox Life, Vol. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, with its headquarters located in the City of New York, is an Eparchy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Like I said, I would discuss this with a Priest, but you are not Orthodox yet so I guess it’s possible. It doesn't matter where they are at the time of their marriage. Granted, Orthodox Priests, if not married before becoming a Father, must also, in that situation, thereafter adhere to celibacy. Each page is enriched with insightful teachings from revered Saints and elders, daily commemorations, Gospel and Epistle readings, fasting guidelines, and feast references. Dating apps, Christian or not are all scams. Whether Orthodox traditions will stand the test of time is unknown. Nah nah bad advice. ) I'm attempting to submit to the Orthodox understanding of what a mystic is. Maria of Paris smoked. I just want to have a list of some names first and also have a conversation with him about who's who. But in my opinion if you believe in Christ and want to become Christian (Orthodox more specifically) you shouldn’t really “act” as if you are a practicing Jew. Priests say it's not uncommon for religions to transform and mold into something new, a development that shouldn't worry Orthodox followers. There's not a single Eastern Orthodox church. I think public schools are far more of a risk than an Protestant Non-Denominational school. Western Orthodoxy faithful to the ancient Christian Church and the Bible come and visit with us! I don't know that I would describe Beethoven's music, generally, as anti-Christian. There The Orthodox Calendar 2025 is an essential addition for both newcomers and long-time followers of the Orthodox Christian faith. "Theology evolves as well as the process of knowing God," Antonescu says. This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. This site has been online since 1996 and receives over 50,000 visits per month, according to Google Analytics. A subreddit dedicated to discussion of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. I just want to know if any of you have any experience with it, and get your opinions and critiques on it, from an (orthodox) christian perspective. I have posted, firstly, a horror novel (barely a novel, pretty short), then some shorter stories and a novella, focused on mental and mystic horror, where I used my own Inclusion in the Directory does not imply any endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, its Mental Health Task Force, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches, Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR), or any affiliates In our Church, both partners do not need to be Orthodox in order to be married. If joining the Orthodox church takes you farther away from the ability to worship Christ, then perfection would be killing the good. ) Many of the writings these ideas are based on are held in common between the Orthodox and Catholics. St. It is a way of life and aforementioned experience of God and community. Maybe one of the orthodox dating apps could help if you’re in a traditionally orthodox country, probably a lot of people on there. [26] For this reason the Church offers a special prayer for the dead on the third day, ninth day, fortieth day, and the one-year anniversary after the death of an Eastern Orthodox Christian. If there is doubt to a moderator regarding whether non-Eastern Orthodox content is acceptable, the content will be removed as against the purpose of this subreddit. Based on the numbers of adherents, the Eastern Orthodox Church (also known as Eastern Orthodoxy) is the second largest Christian communion in the world, after the Roman Catholic Church, with the most common estimates of baptised members being approximately 220 million. You can be married in the Church, it just won't be a sacrament. What does “a healthy wholesome hobby” look like for the fine readers of r/orthodoxchristianity? In "Thinking Orthodox" there's a chapter where she describes this type of thing. Every once in a while we reach out to our subscribers with updates on new publications to Public Orthodoxy, the latest news and events from the Orthodox Christian Studies Center. So, what I currently see as Christian Mysticism, might not be in line with the Orthodox understanding of it. These monarchies were murdered, they weren't suicides. One of my best friends is a monk, and the typical "ambassador" for traveling monastics at his monastery. There are a couple heavy metal bands full of orthodox priests who make music inspired by Orthodox chants. I grew up between some weird Christian sects and then evangelicalism. Oh well, God willing they (and we) will learn: for them to learn that theologizing online is not orthodox way, and for us to learn to soften our hearts toward them. This community is intended for orthodox women to connect, learn, and grow together. 33, No. At most, they both need to be baptized, heterosexual, and they need to agree to raise their children in the Orthodox Church. The toll houses essentially goes like, when you die, an angel comes to retrieve your soul and act as your defender or even defense attorney, and you and the angel stop along the way to the This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. During Orthodox liturgy we recreate Jesus life like an Orthodox Icon - abstract in a way but very recognizable. If you are searching for. Thomas Hopko (2015). S. "Some spiritualities never die but turn into something else I would recommend verifying if it will fit, then considering putting something like “Eastern Orthodox” or “Orthodox Christian”, “Greek Orthodox”, or the like. This is not a removal notification. org. International Orthodox Christian Charities offers worldwide emergency relief & development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination. But I get it and you’re not a catechumen, so I guess it’s okay? Feb 18, 2025 · The history behind fasting. Anyone who does not belong to the one Holy Orthodox Church, yet still dares to write about Christ and the Christian faith and morality, is a false teacher. A particularly contentious issue arose within the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) during the leadership of Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky), who was First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia from 1964 until 1985 regarding the This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. EDIT: I did find this post on the catholic sub. The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America (OCA), the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” If your first name is not a Christian name, say Cook, yes, you could with the help of your priest, choose a patron saint out of the blue. The book is an examination of The Orthodox style of worship also hasn’t changed fundamentally either: the Mysteries/Sacraments are the same as they were when they were established, the Liturgy has barely been altered in form for over a thousand years, and the monastic practice of Asceticism remains a continuous pillar of the Orthodox world. A potentially relevant book is "Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction" by fr. Heterodox are people who believe incorrect teachings, either because they are heretics or apostates, or because they were never orthodox in the first place. “If a man insults me, kills my father, my mother, my brother, and then gouges out my eye, as a Christian it is my duty to forgive him. ), and to wear their jewelry? A Native American coworker gifted me a feather pendant necklace, and I own a cross necklace made by a Ho-Chunk man. Then the standard event happened where my interest in church history grew. Use your discernment. And maybe La Vita Nuova, which I just find really beautiful. If you put just “Orthodox”, it could very well get interpreted as “Jewish Orthodox”. This content violates the Eastern Orthodox and Mainstream Bias Policy. On the most favorable end, the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria (EO) and the Coptic Orthodox Church (OO), and likewise the Antiochian Orthodox Church (EO) and the Syriac Orthodox Church (OO), openly speak as if they were a single Church and the division is solely administrative. I have a great deal of respect for individual churches. Or even just the Christian dating apps I’m sure there would be a decent amount of orthodox people since you’re in an orthodox country. The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America is coordinating a “virtual” Christmas concert to be streamed live via YouTube on Wednesday, December 25th, 2024. As an Orthodox Christian, what are your (biggest) challenges/struggles with modern secular dating culture? See full list on christianity. With some things like art, it's not always evident to tell what is fine and what is dangerous. Nothing should be regarded as authoritative without verification by several offline Orthodox resources. However, if God is calling you to do crazy extreme things, to join a church that is hard, who are you to avoid that call? Why join a church? Besides, the Church predates the Bible, the Church endured for over 300 years before we agreed on what the Bible actually was, the Roman Empire became Christian before we could agree on that. A subreddit for Orthodox Christian Women or any women seeking the ancient faith. Last year, I have noticed there was no Orthodox horror literature I could find out there, so I decied to ”brake the ice”, like we say in Romanian, and start it. It's anti-Christian in the sense that it borrows heavily from [perceived] pagan Greco-Roman influences, and paganism is necessarily anti-Christian, but I very much struggle to believe Beethoven composed those pieces to somehow stand in opposition to Christianity. And when we pray psalms interspersed in our prayers, we pray the sane/same things Jesus and the disciples were praying day in day out. 1. In his “55 maxims for Christian Living” Fr Hopko (God rest his soul), suggests that Christians have “a healthy wholesome hobby” As the new year comes around I’m looking to take up a better hobby. In addition to the other suggestions, you should also check out Pantelis Kalaitzidis' Orthodoxy and Political Theology. Jun 20, 2019 · “ What to Expect When Visiting an Orthodox Christian Church,” goarch. Practice the faith, read the Bible, read the writings of the saints, go to church, pray, fast, help the needy; this will mold you into an Orthodox Christian and it'll become obvious what is and isn't desirable. In the Old Testament, the Hebrews would fast in preparation for certain feasts. Marrying outside of the Church is against the canons, but is allowable if the non-Orthodox spouse agrees to raise all children in the Orthodox faith. It's ironic in that it's not orthodox phronema to act like that. Are there any Orthodox Fiction Authors similar to authors like Ted Dekker? His books AD 30 and AD 33 were both really powerful. I remember hearing of abbots and other saints/monastics that smoke through the years. Debolsky, translated from the Russian by Maria Naumenko. In the Orthodox Church you'll have to undergo a catechism period ranging from 3 months to even 2 years depending on the strictness of the priest or jurisdiction, during which you will be taught all of the doctrines of the Church. The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America (OCA), the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. Much like you, I visited my local orthodox church from time to time to enjoy the lovely intense symbolism of how Orthodox churches celebrate holidays. Many Orthodox countries have a deep history of Orthodox Monarchy, this is a historic fact and something far more observable than monarchy being supported by "Many Orthodox thinkers". Read about the life of Saint Seraphim of Sarov, who would greet people with Christ is Risen all year round, or look at the quiet joy in the faces of the icons. God, Jesus, and the Christian Life Worship The Communion of Saints in the Orthodox Church The Holy Trinity The Scriptures in the Orthodox Church Meeting Christ, Understanding, and Being Transformed The Church The Cherubic Hymn The History of the Church The Anaphora The Mother of God The Lord's Prayer The Sacraments Orthodox countries are mostly culturally Orthodox and not observant. When it comes to spiritual growth, Orthodox Christianity offers a treasure trove of wisdom through its ascetic traditions. In this Discover the Maybe you shouldn’t be an Orthodox Christian. May Lilly’s legacy be one of many souls saved through her faithful example and prayers! This subreddit contains opinions of Orthodox people, but not necessarily Orthodox opinions. Orthodox imagery is extremely influential to the graphics and lyrics of HolyName’s work. I like the translations provided by the Princeton Dante project, myself, as the translations there can be viewed rather conveniently with the original Italian, and I think the sonics of the original Italian are worth processing alongside a r/orthodoxchristian: CSS playground and temporary redirect for r/orthodoxchristianityfor now. Laity and monastics are commanded to keep an eye on their bishops. Then I just discovered that every doctrinal elaboration and spiritual master I looked up to was either Orthodox or deeply admired the Orthodox. Can't remember their names off the top of my head. Schism of 1054AD. We ardently seek to… Orthodox Christians are not under the authority of the Pope. Orthodox Christians inherited the tradition of fasting from the Jews. So this concept of praying one vague prayer and suddenly being saved is really more of a Protestant concept. The nationalism is real, but a lot of Orthodox believers are not as caught up in it. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stephen for example), and 2) You can celebrate your "nameday" on All Saints . For the West, sin is a crime, but for Orthodox, sin is a disease. The early Church Fathers had things to say about continence within marriage, though for those who aren't up to snuff on the more standard ascetic practices should begin with those I'd assume. I'm not very good at writing nor even expressing myself, but I feel Christ calling me back after a decade of illness, isolation and straying from the christian faith. For Orthodoxy, it is not a prize to be obtained nor a one time event nor assured once a profession of faith is given, but rather a process of coming into union with God, which we call theosis (divinization - by which we don't mean we become God or gods). The holy orthodox church and the historical origin of Christianity became very important to Tommy personally and that’s why the imagery seems so saturated with traditional ancient orthodox Christianity. If you want to receive them too, use the form below to subscribe. Orthodox medicine [21] The terms orthodox and orthodoxy are also used more broadly by English-speakers to refer to things other than ideas and beliefs. I think the biggest thing is that he was an ardent supporter of the "Toll house" theory, which is regarded as a gnostic and therefore non-Christian belief. If you look up Orthodox Christian priest heavy metal bands on Google or YouTube you'll see them. They are under the authority of the Ecumenical Councils and God as the Persons of Christ and the Holy Spirit directly. Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Exercise caution in forums such as this. The Orthodox I know who became Protestant became Episcopalian and they seemed to care more about depicting Jesus as a homosexual transexual than they do any form of theology or traditions. Inevitably the question of why I want to convert will come up, and I wrote out this essay as to why I would like to become orthodox. bcmkun qfcvva oknyp xxt ijtwy nipek bzyx hdkqshloj qeybryoo klbqci qvtkh azd xphz fiou cvmyori

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