Neat bot farming goals. Any help is much appreciated.
Neat bot farming goals It needs to be at least "1". txt 21 Sawmills & 19 Mines – Explained in the goal! Feeder Global Goals for Evony NEAT Bot – 21 Mines 19 Sawmills – Prepend – by EHU: PrependGoals hello I have been using YEAB version 2097 until now which I found did not farm or bring in enough food since we have merged so I changed to Neat 2863 and since then I have had the same problem some of the cities are going into refuge and some, the food level dose not change. It must be used alongside config valley as a maximum. Oct 18, 2015 · If your problem is with goals or scripts (ie - my bot won't farm, or the trade46 script is erroring) then go to the Goals or Scripting Help forums instead. List of MMO Games Like Evony - Feeder Global Goals - 21 Mines & 19 Sawmills - PrependGoals. Amazingly I intend to actually play the game despite being a puter idiot. had to put my main account into holiday mode cause the alts are not bringing enough food can some one pls advise. Normally this means you have typed something invalid into your goals and should fix it, but sometimes it can also be a valid line that just isn't added to the bot's internal syntax highlighting list yet. exe for example on Windows), you are going to need to change a couple things to avoid losing your goals. txt and the second goal should be saved as your AppendGoals. Certain config goals in the bot can be turned on and off with a Aug 9, 2013 · This goal is a great NEAT Bot goal to start with and then build upon since it is powerful, yet compact – it handles all of the following with ease: Auto Farm level 1-5 NPCs for food Auto Train on level 6-8 NPCs for hero experience This goal tells the bot how many slots empty you want in your feasting hall. In the first example above, the bot will send troops if/as goals specify, then build npcs, then transport resources, then capture valleys for production, then npc farm all of it before any other normal processing is done. NeatBot can acquire, farm, and hunt medals for you from valleys. If you aren't already farming 5s and only want to farm 10s, then you also need "config npc:10". 4 hours only by setting config npc:X If you do not have a really good reason to mess with that chances are your bot will be very happy with only that goal without anything else set. The demosite command allows you to demolish the building located at a specific position in your city. Aug 26, 2013 · Enabling valley farming will tell the bot you want it to continually attack nearby valleys for extra resources. Jun 30, 2016 · Description: A Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT bot that automatically finds the nearest five or more level 10 NPCs within 3+ miles of your city and then farms each of them twice with the specified Heroes and Troops, then ends. resetfh -resetfh 0 : Enable/disable reset farming history at startup (default = 0) showsettings -showsettings 1 Sep 10, 2015 · Neat Bot’s scripting engine is the most flexible and advanced of all the Evony bots – anything is possible! Download the Evony NEAT Bot Version 3260Z4 here! Z4 builds are Zinc4 based rather than the usual Zinc3 – may perform better for Linux, Mac, and Windows 8 users – Windows XP and 7 users should stick to regular release builds. It can slow down the performance of some scripts. Aug 16, 2012 · NeatBot can build npcs for you, and do your npc farming. If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet Here is a Evony Neat Bot goal section for a New noob Account. 1: logout 1:00 29:00 2: attack 400,400 any c:1000,s:1000 3: repeat 3 4: sleep 45 5: loop; This script will cause the bot to send 3 spam waves to the target every 30 minutes, indefinitely, disconnecting from the server in between As with troop and build goals, Y. Ask for help or request scripts in the "Script Help" forum please. New features may show up red for awhile until they are added. 5m,a:1m The bot will first build warriors until you have 125k of then (i. A. In the example above, the bot would halt all farming attacks and troop/resource transport missions from 6 to 12, and perform as normal the rest of the time. For example: if you have a total of 16 barracks, fourteen at level 9 and two at level 10, and you set build b:9:15 for a goal, the bot will not demolish or downgrade any barracks. We have and will continue to work to continually increase the stability of the bot. Automatically capture the nearest level 10 NPC to use, give to an ally, or make new feeder cities. Adjust “valleylimit” if you would like your city to keep more archers, or other troops, in city before farming valleys for medals This is a necessary goal for npc level 6-10 farming. Enabling valley farming will tell the bot you want it to continually attack nearby valleys for extra resources. From game auto bots (NEAT, YAEB, Dixie, The Director, and more!), alternate player account strategies (honor dropping, treb leveling, etc), player feeder accounts (stockpiling resources, massive armies), game resource glitches (free resources!), and other Evony MMORTS cheats, exploits and tricks 2 days ago · Include the debug logs and goals/script/details as requested at the top of your subforum. With this set, the bot will attempt to fire the lowest attack attribute hero in the city until it reaches the required number of free slots. The bot does not detect whether the traininghero is needed to queue in a town before sending it. If the traininghero is set up to farm npcs in the city, and a "0" is given as the optional npchits value, then the bot will not farm npcs in that town. This goal tells the bot to capture valleys for increased resource production in your cities. NeatBot can manage your resources via market trading and shipping them city to city. List of MMO Games Like Evony Mar 6, 2016 · Enable/disable compatibility mode on the bot (default = 1). List of MMO Games Like Evony Sep 10, 2015 · Check out these NEAT Bot highlights: Neat Bot builds buildings and whole cities for you, plus handles research on younger accounts. As with the troop goals, the bot performs multiple build lines in sequential order. The commands available give you the ability to perform all of the the same functions the bot works towards in the goals window, as well as add to or alter those goals. Default is '1' for always open. By default the bot will send out as many npc runs at a time as it's able to with troops, heroes, and This goal allows you to instruct the bot how you want your embassy box checked. Forum rules This is a place to share completed, working scripts only. Neat Bot builds troops in your cities, and can even send and request troops from other cities automatically. This means your bot can only farm level 10 npcs, and will not hit 5s at all. Feb 2, 2014 · The following goals can be added to a city that is already farming 5s. This Evony NEAT Bot Cavalry Attack Spam script is crude, but definitely does the trick! EHU Script/Goal Note Scripts and Goals by Evony Hookups are updated as frequently as possible when there are outdated lines that need to be updated, or upgrades to how the Script/Goal works, however, they can’t always be tested with each update – there Note that any script running that causes the bot to disconnect will continue running again once the bot reconnects. To get the debug log, go to the "Debug Settings" tab (next to goals/scripts tabs) in the city with the issue, check VERBOSE & the specific task that applies to your problem - e. I add into my goals nolevelheroes any:attack>=100. . In this case, while the bot is loading your goals and reading them from top to bottom, it will first set the value of config npc to 5, then read two lines later and set the value of config npc to 10 instead. Copy/paste all Post your complete goals and debug log and details of your problem if you want help. Forum rules Post your complete goals and debug log and details of your problem if you want help. Keep in mind that while scripts can replace Jun 30, 2016 · Once the level 10 NPC is captured it is sent some food, ballista, transporters, and a hero to get it farming the moment you set some farming goals! These features can be turned off or on easily. There are many goals the bot can use to determine which npcs it is allowed to farm. If the scout is successful but there are 60k+ archers OR 50k+ cavalry at the target, the attack is also recalled. 5m,a:1m; The bot will first build warriors until you have 125k of them (i. as the first account continually spam them down. Nov 11, 2014 · This Evony Hookups video shows where to get "NEAT Bot", the best Evony bot, "The Director" bot manager, as well as how to set up and use the bot along with t Dec 2, 2014 · New #Evony post Speed Medal Farming Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot - by EHU #MMO #MMORPG #MMORTS #TimeWasted Post via: Evony Hookups @ Mar 15, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. E. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 new version of neat bot Dec 11, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. The bot will not demolish or downgrade buildings to meet goals unless the building level is set to 0. The npclimits command sets limits so you stop farming 10s if you fall below those numbers of troops. This goal tells the bot the minimum level of valley you wish it to acquire for resource production. The bot will scout all valleys of the right levels within its medal/valleyfarming radius as specified in DistancePolicy (the 3rd number). , then you can omit farmingpolicy entirely and just use config npc:5, config npc:10, etc. The bot will acquire the highest level valleys it can find first up to the maximum setting, and then acquire lower and lower ones until all slots are filled, or valleymin is reached. If given the line above and using config troopincrement:. No actual changes are made to the Goals page and all values can be restored to settings on the goals page by selecting Set Goals with the goals window displayed. Copy/paste all Nov 6, 2012 · Config npc cannot exist twice in your goals. NPC FARMING - and then wait until you see "Received city focus". WARNING!!! The bot will fire heroes regardless of their politics or intel scores if they are the lowest attack score. New #Evony post Speed Medal Farming Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot - by EHU #MMO #MMORPG #MMORTS #TimeWasted Post via: Evony Hookups @ If your problem is with goals or scripts (ie - my bot won't farm, or the trade46 script is erroring) then go to the Goals or Scripting Help forums instead. Level 6-10 npc farming has additional configuration - required NpcLimits goal, and optionally NpcHeroes and NpcTroops goals as well. Sep 3, 2013 · Check out these NEAT Bot highlights: Neat Bot builds buildings and whole cities for you, plus handles research on younger accounts. When this goal is set to 1, the TrainingHero may move freely into and out of the city. List of MMO Games Like Evony Enable/disable compatibility mode on the bot (default = 1). 5 times more than the number of archers). 01 then the bot will instead queue 1000 warriors (1%) and then queue 1000 scouts (1%), continuing down the line, and then restarting at the beginning of the line to rinse and repeat until the entire line goal has been met. List of MMO Games Like Evony. The bot can use fractional numbers for farmingcycle; for example, farmingcycle:0. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1 farming mich scripts Example 1: Suppose you have 50k warriors and 50k archers, and the bot works on the following goal: # note the goal specifies that you want to have 2. B. Prepend goals folder: This directive will tell the bot to attempt to find and farm for resources and medals within valleys of the specified level that it can safely hit for zero losses. Nov 3, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. I didn't have any trouble with 2955P only with 3096. In the City specific goals for your main - // Note, this is a plain ole farming city for a main, you can obviously see how you'd add in higher troop goals for a war city or hub or npc10 farming town. The bot will farm npcs in a radius around your city as specified in DistancePolicy or modified by FarmingPolicy. The bot is set up by default to farm every 8. We will work to stay on top of the features other bots are offering, and meet or exceed them, when doing so does not compromise our primary goals. Any goal can be used in the script window, for example "config npc:5" typed in the script window will set your bot to farm npcs up to lvl 5 just as it would in the goals window. These are you goals, scripts, global settings, farming history, and more. Once again, if you have heroes or troops limiting medal farmers or just don't have the valleys to farm, the bot may not be Neat Bot is a program that helps you play your account by automating many of the most mundane tasks involved in playing Evony – Get back to real life while NEAT Bot builds your cities, makes troops, defends your cities, flips flats, works the market, and even runs your various alternate and feeder accounts! Apr 4, 2017 · If your problem is with goals or scripts (ie - my bot won't farm, or the trade46 script is erroring) then go to the Goals or Scripting Help forums instead. If the traininghero is setup to farm npcs in the city, and a "0" is given as the optional npchits value, then the bot will not farm npcs in that town. Copy/paste all Follow the steps below to understand and take advantage of the collective. Jan 11, 2013 · We have and will continue to work to redesign the bot architecture to reduce cpu drain and memory footprint. Example 1: Suppose you have 50k warriors and 50k archers, and the bot works on the following goal: # note the goal specifies that you want to have 2. List of MMO Games Like Evony Evony Hookups is your hook-up for ALL the best information regarding the Evony MMORTS Elite. List of MMO Games Like Evony the Set Goals button in the Goals page is selected, or ; the bot is restarted. will automagiclly perform comforting on your city as it is required. Automatic Capture Nearest Level 10 NPC Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU; Automatic Capture Nearest Level 5 NPC Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU; Automatic Clear Dead Cities Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU and jay777; Automatic Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU; Other Recent Posts. NeatBot can queue troops for you. Demosite is equivalent to running "demo [bldg] level10" followed by "demo [bldg]" nine times. List of MMO Games Like Evony Hi all as the thread title states I am having trouble with 3096 farming 10's. With this goal enabled, the bot will lock down most troop movements in preparation of war. Farming Restrictions. I personally keep 9 heroes in the cities I LF from: 1 politics as mayor, 1 leveled up attack hero (or intel hero) for npc farming, and 7 attack heroes I don't level for lumber farming on my alt accounts. This directive tells the bot the minimum number of troops it must have in the city before it will farm another level 6-10 npc. List of MMO Games Like Evony Dec 2, 2015 · New #Evony post Speed Medal Farming Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot - by EHU #MMO #MMORPG #MMORTS #TimeWasted Post via: Evony Hookups @ Recent Bot Posts. g. The switches /mindistance and /maxdistance allow you to instruct the bot how far it will go for that particular level of NPC or that particular npclist. I use a prepend goals folder and also goals in the bot window. In the 2nd example above, the bot will research logistics to level 5, horseback riding to level 5, and compass to level 4. It is not eqivalent to using dynamite (there is no bot command to dynamite a bldg. List of MMO Games Like Evony Oct 20, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. Hello, im not sure what im doing wrong but for some reason my account wont farm 5's . List of MMO Games Like Evony Each city can have a different number of hours to restart farming from the beginning. to farm npc's or Barb's one just needs to enter the goal "config npc:5" and click on "Set Goals" in the goal tab and NeatBot will… Find all npc5 within a specified radius around your city Work out travel time to and from each npc5 Select Heroes Select Troops Download the latest release of NEAT Bot for Evony! NEAT Bot Downloads: NEAT Bot Goal Sections; Automatic Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU; All I want is for the helper to defend and farm 5"s. If the city had 13 Aug 28, 2013 · If you merely want to farm NPCs using the default or goal settings for distance, etc. If this goal is not set, the bot will not farm npcs of these levels. In the 3rd example above, we have told the bot to build 15 barracks and then demolish all but 8 cottages. 2. I have double checked to make sure that heroes and troops are in the cities. Some useful information is found below to help you understand more about how the bot "thinks" when it is farming. Goals are not performed from top to bottom immediately like scripts, nor does the order of them even matter for the most part (except troop and building goal lines). Recent Bot Posts. The above 3 examples could be combined with npc, npcheroes, npctroops, and npclimits to have your bot farm level 5, 8, and 10 npcs as follows: Script lines also give NEAT Bot users the ability to command the NEAT Bot to perform the same actions the bot can do from the goal tab – Goal lines can be ran from the script tab, such as config npc:5 placed in a script setting your city to only farm lvl 5 npcs, just as it would in the goal tab. The bot should describe the processes it's working through in great detail for you. In the above example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99600 archers so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the archers. Dec 2, 2014 · Adjust “valleylimit” if you would like your city to keep more archers, or other troops, in city before farming valleys for medals. Enable the comfort goal and Y. You can add multiple start and end times to this policy, eg: wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00 5:00 23:00. Oct 26, 2014 · Here is a good Evony Neat Bot goal section that is the standard setup for faster Valley Capturing and Medal Farming. will perform research goals line by line in sequential order. 11 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 , 2 Farming - Cant send out attack Scripting stopped? Dec 10, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. Why won't my bot farm npc10s? Just like above, there are a number of reasons why it might not be farming. and leave the rest alone? Goals are a loose set of standards, settings, limits, and long/short-term “goals” to be worked toward on your Evony account and cities by NEAT Bot. Despite it's power and capabilities NeatBot is extremely easy to use, e. These goals all relate to the building and farming of npcs around your cities. If you have only used the SWF bot (browser-based bot) and you want to switch to the Binary (neatbot. 5 times more warriors than archers troop w:2. 5 would be able to hit the npcs again after 30 minutes. txt -// Remember, the first goal should be saved as your PrependGoals. In the 1st example above, the bot will research logistics to level 5. The changes made to settings through the script interface will only change the values currently in memory. Goals are the bread and butter of your bot's ability to manage your account. Any help is much appreciated. even thought i have ample of bali - 30k of them any idea's using windows 7 pro, and the latest neat bot updated today cheers //Standered Defence Policy & Comfort Etc// distancepolicy 25 25 25 50 25 gatepolicy 2 1 2 0 1 Should get enough attack heroes in the city to hit the forest. NeatBot can build your city and do your research for you on new For example, if your bot is not farming npcs and you can't figure out why, check Verbose and Npc Farming boxes and uncheck the others. Goals are a loose set of standards, settings, limits, and long/short-term “goals” to be worked toward on your Evony account and cities by NEAT Bot. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Abandon a 2nd city Mar 15, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. Subforums: Goals Help, Script Help, Director Help, General Help 2944 Topics 15403 Posts Last post by 212AdamBarrow Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:28 am; Script/Goal Sharing Library A nice corner for our scripters & goal writers to share their work. In the above example, config valleyfarming:10 tells the bot to farm level 10 valleys, and valleyfarming 5 0 5 0 0 0 tells the bot that you want it to farm up to 5 miles for forests and hills, but not farm any of the other types. Remember that the bot only performs actions in one city at a time. Config switches. Post your complete goals and debug log and details of your problem if you want help. , 2. The bot will first train 100k warriors, then 100k scouts, and so on without troopincrement set. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1 Neat bot/ director with windows 10 If your problem is with goals or scripts (ie - my bot won't farm, or the trade46 script is erroring) then go to the Goals or Scripting Help forums instead. The npctroops command says what you want in your attack. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. This goal along with config gate: [time], config hiding: [time], config npc: [level] all working together can make it so your cities are virtually impossible to capture. Unlike scripts, goals are "end result" actions to work towards, meaning you tell the bot what you want, and it will work on achieving that as it performs it's tasks. Here are my goals. Keep in mind, the idea of this goal section is to NOT spend archers farming level 9 and 10 NPCs by keeping the archer limit for farming them much higher than the archer valley farming limit in order to farm level 9 and 10 valleys five waves at a time for In the City specific goals for alts - Nothing, unless you have building goals or research goals, or something in particular you want the alt to do. just paste in your favorite Feeder City goals and maybe some Level 5 NPC Convert scripts and watch your cities grow! For example, if you used in goals processingpolicy n:10 m:20 then medal farming would have a 2x higher priority than npc farming, and roughly double the number of medal farmers would be sent to the number of npc farmers. No npc farming runs, KeepResource, SendResource, KeepTroop, or SendTroop goals will be performed with this enabled. Nov 6, 2012 · Config npc cannot exist twice in your goals. The bot will process priority of how often to farm as shown here. In the 3rd example above, the bot will build fifteen barracks to level 9, space permitting; and then demolish all but 8 cottages. e. ) It will simply run 'demo' auomatically until the building is gone. The bot will automatically know to capture forests for cities with a higher production of lumber, hills for cities with a higher production of iron, and lakes for cities with a higher production of food. 1 will keep the embassy always open, 0 will keep the embassy always closed, and 2 will open the embassy only during an attack and shortly after an attack based on the config defensecooldown setting. Aug 28, 2013 · Farmingpolicy makes the bot much more flexible and powerful, allowing you to farm specific levels of NPCcs for specific numbers of miles in specific intervals. If your problem is with goals or scripts (ie - my bot won't farm, or the trade46 script is erroring) then go to the Goals or Scripting Help forums instead. NeatBot can manage your heroes for you. In the example above, the bot must have 390k archers and 50k scouts before it will begin or continue farming 10s, and 50k archers and 100k warriors Oct 26, 2014 · Recent Bot Posts. Thanks go to the Neat Forum for giving me the stock scripts to butcher for this!! As soon as the new cities are captured and the food, ballista, transporters, and hero have arrived. - nolevelheroes optional - use to build up experience on hero without levelingup - General Beginner Goal for Evony NEAT Bot - 21 Mines & 19 Sawmills - by EHU -// NOTE: Because the 21Mines/19Sawmills Split is my personal preference when it comes to city resource build, it Hi all as the thread title states I am having trouble with 3096 farming 10's. With the bot building Phracts and trading ressies ad nauseum, isn't there a simple command to tell the bot to farm 5's every hr. Normal can remain checked, it will not affect it. Aug 16, 2012 · the Set Goals button in the Goals page is selected, or ; the bot is restarted. This forces the bot to behave more like the Evony client. zeucsoewdkmpmkvfytkwndrvcddceggzuylvanfuzbqesoaffvdeqadgylgueomrpyc