Child care orientation. Thank you for your interest in child care licensing.

Child care orientation Accessing the Orientation Training Create Your AccountNavigate to the Child and Family Resource Network. Earn or renew CDA, earn pre-service training hours to open your child care center. To start a licensed child care center: "Child Care Orientation" is a comprehensive online course designed to provide aspiring childcare professionals with a solid foundation for their career journey. In Maryland, this course is approved by the MSDE Office of Child Care for the 3 clock hour teacher aide orientation training requirement. and . 11(b), §3280. Child Care Center Staff Orientation Training * This training by ODJFS is on child care center licensing rules. All invitations are sent one (1) week prior to the Now you are ready to being your training •If you are here to complete the Child Care Orientation (CCOT) Training, please move to the next slide •If you are looking to complete just one, or a few of the modules, please see the “Catalog” slide later in this presentation (Slide 10) Members receive reduced rates for training ($5 per hour for members/$12. In the upper right corner, click Log in or:Click Non-SDSU users login here if you Apr 26, 2023 · To register for the Arkansas New Staff Orientation follow the link below. We can even verify on most state registries. iaccrr. Jan 9, 2024 · Child Care Aware of Kentucky is currently developing a Spanish version of ECOOL (Early Care Orientation OnLine) on HDI Learning – University of Kentucky Human Development Institute with an expected release in the spring for providers and staff with Spanish as their preferred language to complete orientation online. The information will only be accessed by necessary Early Childhood Education Orientation Course staff. center or family child care home), the timeframe for orientation completion is different. This orientation will walk prospective providers through the information they need to know to determine if they are interested and able to start a child care program in As a child care provider, you provide a service to your community and play an important, meaningful role in the growth, development, and education of Texas Children. Orientation for Family and Group Child Care Homes. 40, subdivision 1) Including: The Center’s Philosophy; Child Care Program; Child Care Aware® of America is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under the internal revenue code section 501(c)(3) and the organization’s Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 94-3060756. To prepare for your orientation session, you may wish to view the on-line orientation preview. and procedures and an orientation to the child care program. May 29, 2023 · As the owner of a child care business, you know that each family’s first day at your center is an important one. Jan 24, 2025 · If you’re seeking approval to become a child care trainer, the first step is to complete the Maryland Child Care Trainer Orientation. Roles and responsibilities of trainers are clearly defined and a system for accountability and evaluation is in place to ensure comprehensive, consistent orientations for new employees. ) Referral procedures for children with different abilities and needs Aug 28, 2014 · Training Module: Let’s Move! Child Care Overview. Google mail is a popular free email provider. Registered family child care providers and their staff are required to complete 20 hours of in-service training for each three year registration period as required by regulation. 4. Now it’s more convenient than ever to get started on your early childcare career. Password DHS Orientation: Opening a Family Child Care Home • Group/Center: DHS Orientation: Opening a Child Care Center or Group Child Care Home • Email Certificate of Completion to RA-ocdelcertnchbg@pa. org to register. Sample 6-A is an example of a parent orientation plan incorporating all of the above. Helping your clients get child care subsidies can put thousands of dollars in their pockets. Before participating in the Department of Human Services (DHS) Orientation, you must complete the Better Kid Care DHS Orientation training within a year from the Orientation date. Pre-requisite: An individual has to hold a minimum of centre based – level one - preschool In order to obtain an application to apply for a child care program license or registration potential child care providers will first need to take Child Day Care Orientation. On Demand Child Care Training Featured module: Georgia Health and Safety Orientation Training–10 Hours 2020-2021 Child care professionals must keep children healthy and safe. We highly recommend that you join this training session using your computer. Online trainings and courses for early childhood and child care professionals. Para habilitar los subtítulos en español, haga clic en el botón "CC" en el video y seleccione español. All orientations are offered in a virtual format from 9 am to 3 pm with a working lunch. Identify and define the various roles or duties performed by a teacher in the child care environment Identify the basic duties of child care professionals, including health, safety, and legal responsibilities Identify common indoor and outdoor safety hazards in the early childhood environment Family Child Care Orientation (MERCER COUNTY) Wednesday, Mar 19, 10:00 AM Family Child Care Orientation (MERCER COUNTY) Wednesday, Mar 19, 1:30 PM Blended First Aid/CPR/AED. Over Mar 10, 2023 · The infant Child Care Orientation Course (ICOC) addresses the care and education of children from birth through age 24 months in a centre-based child care setting. Code §3270. Maryland Child Care Resource Network; COMAR 13A. Includes mandatory First Aid and CPR Training; Recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect – 1 hour Feb 18, 2025 · This session is appropriate for those who intend to open a licensed child care center in the state of Indiana and who have already completed Orientation 1: Training for Child Care Providers. We offer both early care and education and how to train other adults clock hours. If you have completed the child care licensing orientation and are ready to apply for a license, please email a copy of the orientation completion certificate(s) to dcyf. To be eligible for grants you must comply with training requirements set forth by Child Care Development Block Grant Reauthorization (CCDBG). Complete the Online Training on Infant Safe Sleep for Child Care Providers to fulfill infant safe sleep training requirements. You will not be admitted to the DHS Orientation without proof of completion. Topics covered include infectious diseases, safe sleeping practices, administration of medicine, emergency response, building safety, child maltreatment, emergency preparedness, hazardous materials, transporting children, and child abuse and neglect. ( Please note that individuals selected for Family, Friend, & Neighbor (FFN) care/Approved Home care by a subsidy-eligible parent will be contacted directly by a Bergen County Division of Child Care Resources One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076 Website | Email |Phone: (201) 336-7150 | Fax: (201) 336-7155 Orientation for Child Care Program Professionals. If you need technical assistance submitting your online application, complete a technical assistance request . This does not replace the face-to-face orientation session you are required to attend at your Regional Office of Child Care. The Child Care Orientation Certificate provides an overview of the recommended practices across major competency areas within the child care industry. It covers a variety of topics which will help you in caring for children. Live virtual orientations for Family Child Care Homes are being offered in multiple languages and open to attendees statewide. You must be a resident of Nova Scotia to register for the Orientation, and; Work in a regulated child care facility or pre-primary program, or be a provider for a Family Home Day Care Agency, or; Have been pre-approved by Classification Services to receive School Age Approval, or Child Care Training Course Overview Updated December 2023 2 Kindergarten training by July 1, 2022. 50 per hour for non-members) and pay only for the number of staff you have. All invitations are sent one (1) week prior to the Create an account. Level II Health and Safety Training. Directors Orientation is the first step toward both of these objectives. As an industry leader in online education, we specialize in Early Childhood Education for administrators, directors, instructors, child care providers, and Dec 16, 2024 · This is a basic orientation to the Child Care Assistance Program and identifies provider’s responsibilities. The Child Care Council of Kentucky adds new online trainings frequently to avoid duplication of trainings. Interested in opening your own Child Care Center or Family Child Care Learning Home? You can now complete the required Licensure Orientation Meeting (LOM) online and at your own pace. Oklahoma Quality Child Care Program Scale: Self-Assessment Child Care Center Orientation Date TBA. On this day, you introduce parents and children to the people and services at your facility as you help them become acclimated to your program. 11(b) and §3290. Click on Statewide Child Care Provider Training in the right-hand menu for current directions for the South Dakota Orientation to Early Childhood and School-Age Care Series. Child Care Aware® of America is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under the internal revenue code section 501(c)(3) and the organization’s Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 94-3060756. H&H provides approved training for the purpose of meeting licensing requirements, and training and education for the Maryland Credentialing Program. Feel free to print and use it or adapt it to your needs. Orientation training consists of three lessons: Health, safety & sanitation – 2 hours . Description: This video meets the licensing requirements for orientation training per 340: 110-3-284, Licensing Requirements for Child Care Programs (11-1-16). DFPS protects the unprotected - children, elderly, and people with disabilities - from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Please RSVP to Katie Rubley at RubleyK1@michigan. Child Care Regulation (CCR) provides training and resources for current or prospective providers to ensure that children receive Center Orientation training is only for child care center Licensees, Licensee Designees, and Program Directors. Arkansas New Staff Orientation Child Care Connection proudly supports Grow NJ Kids, New Jersey’s quality rating and improvement system for early childhood programs. For more information, contact us at 2-1-1 or 1-800-505-1000 Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm The Division of Early Care and Education is a division of the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) and serves to make child care more affordable for parents and increase the quality of care for all children in the state. 1. 40, subdivision 1) Including: The Center’s Philosophy; Child Care Program; Individuals who completed a previous version of this Orientation should review the July 2021 Revised Rules Summary posted on the . wa. Watch this interactive orientation to learn how to apply for a child care license in Maryland. The Level II online, on-demand training series is designed for staff in state-licensed and registered child care programs who have completed the Level I South Dakota Orientation to Child Care training series. Over 3 hours, participants will embark on a structured exploration of crucial topics, including child supervision, interaction with children and families, and professional conduct. Additional benefits of a Child Care Council membership include: UNLIMITED online trainings (including our extensive on-demand library which includes Orientation training and all Zoom trainings) QRIS Orientation. OT-1 is also available online. Check the appropriate box to indicate if the child is a US citizen. In-person orientations for Family Child Care Homes are being offered in multiple languages and are open to attendees in any Regional Office. Essential to the success of program directors is finding the information they need and developing a network of peers who share and understand their responsibilities. For more information or questions, please call the licensing unit at (202) 727-1839 and request to speak with the licensing specialist on duty. providerportal@dcyf. Sep 25, 2018 · Become a Licensed Child Care Provider or Teacher Today!! 09/25/2018. Computer System Requirements NOTE: Please use a laptop or desktop computer to view and take the online Watch this interactive orientation to learn how to apply for a family child care registration in Maryland. Preschool Program Licensing. I agree with my course progress being shared with Alberta Children's Services and child care programs or employers as required. edu or fax it to 405-799-7634. Please contact the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA) staff at 1-877-547-6978, option 1 with any questions on how to create a profile or register for training. The module is intended for use by trainers, and may be adapted for specific needs and audiences. This course is accepted for annual state training requirements in most states, and for the CDA and for CDA renewal training requirements. Training Module: Let’s Move! Child Care Overview. Core Of Knowledge (COK) Hours: 3 (1 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Central Region (New Providers) 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Central Region (Existing Providers) 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Northeast Region; 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Southeast Region; 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Western Region Orientation training is required for every staff person before starting assigned duties and for all volunteers who will have unsupervised direct contact with or access to children. Want Informal training credit? Print and complete this document - when you are done please email it to cecpd@ou. This training provides early care and education professionals who want to open a child care center important information about the standards, processes, rules, regulations, and licensure requirements of the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) to individuals who want to open a licensed child care learning center (CCLC). All family, friend and neighbor (FFN) family child care providers that receive State child care subsidy funds on behalf of families they are serving must participate in an orientation session conducted by Child Care Connection and fulfill all ten hours of CCDBG-mandated training, including health and safety, child development, and child abuse mandated reporting, as well as be certified in CPR 4. 45k views • 115 slides All family, friend and neighbor (FFN) family child care providers that receive State child care subsidy funds on behalf of families they are serving must participate in an orientation session conducted by Child Care Connection and fulfill all ten hours of CCDBG-mandated training, including health and safety, child development, and child abuse mandated reporting, as well as be certified in CPR Thank you for your interest in child care licensing. The Early Childhood Education and Training Program is sponsored by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, funded by the federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Child Care and administered by the Professional Development Program, Rockefeller College, University at Albany, 4 Tower Place, Albany, NY 12203. 16; Notice of Intent; Child Care Facility Application for License; Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Worker's Compensation Insurance Information; Personnel List/Staff Change Form; Medical Report for Child Care; Staffing Pattern for Child Care Centers; Emergency Adult On-Call Agreement Prospective applicants who require special accommodations and/or language access may schedule a one-to-one orientation with the licensing team. gov to get access to the provider portal and online application. You must have your own email address to create an account in On Demand. This training module offers an overview of Let’s Move! Child Care for child care and early education providers. Before calling your local licensing office, please be prepared with the following information: The Early Childhood Education and Training Program is sponsored by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, funded by the federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Child Care and administered by the Professional Development Program, Rockefeller College, University at Albany, 4 Tower Place, Albany, NY 12203 Child Care Council of Kentucky, Inc. Date: October 2023; Time: TBD; Subject TBD OCC-Sponsored Training. Roundtable. School-Age-Child-Care-Licensing. Center Orientation training is only for child care center Licensees, Licensee Designees, and Program Directors. This course is ideal for childcare providers and aides in childcare Free First Aid Training (upon completion of the course during course period) Free Police Check (upon completion of the course during course period) Virtual Level 1 Childcare Orientation through the Alberta Childcare Orientation via BaseCorp Learning Systems; 54 hours of online learning to be completed within 6 months In order to obtain a license to operate a Family Child Care Home you must first attend the Family Child Care Home Orientation. This training is required for admittance into the Pre-Licensing Training for Child Care Centers; Pre-Licensing Training for Family Child Care Providers (Type A or B Home Provider) Pre-Camp for Approved Child Day Camps; Pre-Certification Orientation for In-Home Aides; Once the above pre-training is completed in the OPR, the applicant can begin the application process in the Ohio Child Licensing That is the responsibility of the participant. We encourage you to look into the training resources provided to help you enhance your skills and knowledge. The ODE Orientation training must be completed for all preschool and school-age The Infant Child Care Orientation Course (ICCOC) addresses the care and education of children from birth through age 24 months in a centre-based child care setting. We offer in-person, live virtual, and online orientation sessions. Child Care Center Administrative training will be held at the Baltimore City Office of Child Care. In order to obtain a license to operate a Family Child Care Home you must first attend the Family Child Care Home Orientation. Families may get help paying for child care in these settings: licensed family child care homes, licensed child care centers, and license-exempt care from a family member or friend. Time 10 am - 1pm. A copy of the signed acknowledgement should be kept in the child’s folder. Child Care Aware of Kentucky offers a variety of trainings to meet the professional development needs of individuals in the field of early childhood. sdstate. The dates for Orientations during 2024 are: Trainer Orientation Sessions have currently been placed on hold. Training that is not informational meets the requirements of the Division of Child Care (DCC). If you don't have an email account, create a free account using any provider. Module 1 – Introduction. This online course is intended for early childhood educators who have had little or no previous child care training. Proof of the child’s citizenship is "Child Care Orientation" is a comprehensive online course designed to provide aspiring childcare professionals with a solid foundation for their career journey. webpages or choose to complete the updated orientation training. This course satisfies the 8 introductory clock hours of orientation training required for all staff who are counted in ratio before being left alone with children. Box 10526 McLean, Virginia 22102 1-800-685-7610 (US and Canada) 703-448-1800 (Other countries) Families May Qualify for Child Care Subsidies. Please verify that you are registering for the correct orientation. org or by calling 800-299-1627. For availability and contact information, please see Live Virtual Orientation Schedule. New Child Care Provider Orientation 2025 Western Region. This exciting new program provides family child care and center-based early childhood care and education programs serving infant, toddler, and preschool-age children with a number of resources for demonstrating and working to improve the quality of experiences Mar 10, 2025 · Better Kid Care provides evidence-informed professional development to early care and education and youth development professionals to improve the quality of their care and educational practices. Refer to the descriptions below to ensure you are choosing the correction orientation type: Family Child Care Homes Orientation (Available Formats: online, live virtual, in-person) Care must be provided in the licensee’s own home; Licensee must live in the home This online course fulfills the mandatory 6-hour orientation requirement for early care and education professionals in Kentucky. AIR Training Solutions offers professional development online training courses in all 50 states! Our trainings have been through a rigorous approval process to ensure they meet your state's requirements. This mandatory training focuses on Health, Safety, and Sanitation, Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, and Recommended Practices. NEW! – Meets new regulatory training requirements for First Aid/CPR as of July 1, 2021. Training Requirements: Must be completed within 5 years of initiating the Level I training. Providers must attend both sessions as part of the family child care registration process. 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Central Region (New Providers) 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Central Region (Existing Providers) 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Northeast Region; 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Southeast Region; 2025 Child Care Orientation Schedule — Western Region Orientation training is required for every staff person before starting assigned duties and for all volunteers who will have unsupervised direct contact with or access to children. Before Attending an Orientation . gov Once you have completed the Better Kid Care DHS Orientation training, please contact OCDEL staff to verify completion. Orientation for Child Care Centers. gov for center orientation scheduling. Each center shall ensure that each new employee who is expected to have contact with children receives a minimum of 16 clock hours of on-site orientation within the first six Child development information and center philosophy about care of children Center requirements (dress codes, phone calls, smoking, bathroom and other breaks, etc. Ensure the health and safety of children in child care centers with our comprehensive health and safety orientation. The Department of Human Services' (DHS) regulations for child care centers, group child care homes and family child care homes states that a legal entity or a representative of the legal entity shall participate in an orientation training provided by the department within 12 months prior to commencing operation of the child care facility (see 55 Pa. Complete the lesson relevant for the Orientation Class you wish to attend • Family: DHS Orientation: Opening a Family Child Care Home • Group/Center: DHS Orientation: Opening a Child Care Center or Group Child Care Home 5. This course is required for all classroom aides who have not completed 90-Clock Hours of training. The lessons give you general information about becoming a child care professional and includes questions to download and discuss with your director to learn specific information about the program. This session is required for all child care employees and must be completed within the first 90 days of employment. The orientation is also available in Spanish. COK Hours: 3 (1 Professionalism, I Health, Safety & Nutrition, & 1 Community)Through this course, participants will learn practical skills in proper supervision, professionalism, and parent engagement, equipping them for the challenges of their role. Register for child care orientations, which are held throughout the year and are required to receive a child care license. If yes, attach a copy of the child’s birth certificate and social security card. This 30-minute video will introduce you to the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Watch Orientation Video. You must complete these days and duration for which child care is needed. VPK directors are required to hold a VPK Director credential or have a valid DOE issued The orientation content is the same but depending upon the program served (i. Please Sign In. Prerequisites. After you complete this training, you must contact your local early learning child care licensing office to inform them that you completed the orientation and want to begin the licensing process. O. by Cathy Abraham When hiring a new child care employee, be sure to follow these guidelines and tips for successful orientation training. Join online: Join by phone: Please mute yourself upon ent. Please contact the Office of Child Care Regional Licensing Office to schedule the Orientation Training. The orientation is available online and in-person. The orientation has videos, interactive activities and audio narration. Programs must renew their permit every two years . This training does not […] All State-registered family child care providers must participate in an orientation session conducted by Child Care Connection and fulfill all ten hours of CCDBG-mandated training, including health and safety, child development, and child abuse mandated reporting, as well as be certified in CPR & First Aid (only CPR/First Aid classes that provide demonstration-based certifications are accepted). Print the Better Kids Care Certificate of Completion. Oct 8, 2024 · Directors Orientation is a series of foundation level trainings that are required for all new directors. Child Care Connection offers the orientation virtually, in two sessions, on a monthly basis. Check the appropriate box to indicate if the child(ren) has a special need, if yes, state the need. Child Care Center Administrative Training. edu. Date Training Requirement Orientation (MN Statutes section 245A. Talk with your director and co-workers to learn all you can about your center, the children in your care, and the families you serve. Online training is available for child care professionals with more than 300 relevant courses. Visit www. After you have attended that orientation, you can apply for a permit for a new child care program. P. This does not replace the face-to-face orientation session you are required to attend at your regional Office of Child Care. Navigate to traininghouse. e. The goal of this page is to outline the steps required to become a licensed Child Care Center or School Age Program. This training is required for admittance into the Pre-Licensing Training for Child Care Centers; Pre-Licensing Training for Family Child Care Providers (Type A or B Home Provider) Pre-Camp for Approved Child Day Camps; Pre-Certification Orientation for In-Home Aides; Once the above pre-training is completed in the OPR, the applicant can begin the application process in the Ohio Child Licensing For more information, contact us at 2-1-1 or 1-800-505-1000 Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm The Division of Early Care and Education is a division of the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) and serves to make child care more affordable for parents and increase the quality of care for all children in the state. To start a licensed child care home: OT-1 and OT-2 can be scheduled by contacting the Indiana Association for Child Care Resource and Referral(IACCRR) at ot@iaccrr. Tuesday, Mar 25, 5:30 PM Meeting of the Board of Trustees The Care Courses School, Inc. Learning Objectives This course is intended for providers who provide care to families who receive funding from the Child Care Assistance Program. Phone: (859)254-9176 2473 Fortune Drive Lexington, KY 40509 Child Care Training Preview In order to better meet your needs, Smart Horizons Child Care has created a new video demo highlighting our cutting-edge, online professional development. This orientation training program is designed for employees who are new to the early care profession, or as a component in basic center orientation for all new employees. Email. This orientation is designed to give you more information about what it means to have a licensed family child care program and an overview of family child care licensing requirements in the state of Minnesota. Those who care for and teach children need to know how to 1) create safe spaces, 2) use safe practices with children, 3) develop and implement daily illness Child-Care Licensing Division is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and well being of children who attend or reside in regulated child-care facilities and homes. Due to the regulatory change and in order to encourage compliance, the Child Care Council of Kentucky will not accept trainings above 15 hours of training in a 24 hour period. Pre-requisite: An individual must hold a minimum of Child Care Centre – Level One The DHS Licensing Orientation for Child Care Centers and School Age Programs is the first step for anyone interested in becoming a Licensed Child Care Center or School Age Program. fpcor tlakstj lnm vpii sbb oynwcv kmkay kbzee iqv gecwj ttrmodok guks fitdw taf cgayao