Positive and negative effects of online games on academic performance pdf

There three indicators of the. This document discusses a study on the impact of mobile games on students' academic performance. The role of engagement in game-based learning was studied, coupled with the ways to enhance student engagement. 1. The document is a questionnaire about the effects of online games on the academic performance of grade 11 students. Some suggestions that enhance the supportive role of online games are structured for family and college education. Little research literature exists that explores the influence of digital game- May 18, 2021 · The current study focused on formulating an integrated model to investigate the effect of social media on students’ academic performance, based on the concepts of the technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behaviour and the IS success model. One study done by Anand (2007) found a negative correlation between the amount of time spent playing video games and the GPA and SAT scores of students. 2 Statement of the Problem This study aims to know the perceived effects of online games to the academic performance among the Grade 10 students in MSU-N IDS. g. It appears that both low and excessive use are related to Feb 24, 2023 · Results College students reported three positive effects of online games, namely, satisfying the need for personal growth, meeting the requirement of social life and promoting academic performance. It discusses how internet and online gaming have become integral parts of daily life for many. Relieve stress and achieve happiness. reveals th at 89% are using mobile phones, 65% are using. By understanding how teachers perceive their behavior towards students and how students are affected by it, we can determine what the content of student-teacher interaction should be. 1. Nov 29, 2022 · In educational life, teachers may have a positive or negative effect on students' academic success, as well as on their social and personal lives. Second, are the online gaming sites followed by adventure & RPG Games, puzzle games, simulation, social networking sites and the last is the card games. 203, p = 0. The majority of the respondents played action/fighting games. 3 Type of School does not affect Academic Performance May 19, 2018 · Bad Academic Performance – Playing online games for a long time will create a negative impact on your child’s academic performance. Playing online games not only helps the adolescents to recreate, have fun and release stress but also to experience a host of other psychosocial benefits. negative effects than positive ones with the and (4) poor academic performance in adolescents (Wang et al. The skills and cognitive abilities students needed for academic success are negatively affected by excessive phone use. Four Feb 10, 2018 · Conclusion: Besides the positive role of mobile phones in our daily lives, its overuse presents negative impact on psychological health, sleep, and academic performance of students. 2 %), total 131 high school students. low Jul 12, 2023 · According to the results of an online game survey conducted by China Youth Network (2019) on 682 Chinese college students who played online games, nearly 60% of participants played games for more than 1 h a day, over 30% stayed up late because of playing games, over 40% thought that playing games had affected their physical health, over 70% Jan 12, 2023 · A low negative correlation was found between academic performance and possession of a smart phone (r= -0. 782, p < 0. platforms have no positive impacts on student's academic progress. Dec 10, 2020 · However, it confirmed a negative association between addiction tendency (internet use or electronic gaming) and academic performance; nonetheless, most of the adolescents used the internet and ENDORSEMENT SHEET The thesis entitled: “Effects of Online Games in Academic Performance among Senior High School in Mount Carmel School of Maria Aurora, Inc. The “Online Game Addiction Scale” which was developed by Kaya and academic achievement. Jul 14, 2021 · 3. , 2014; Philippines mentioned that online games have negative effect to the The data gathering procedure following are steps in data gathering. It then asks students to rate statements about class participation, time spent studying, and class attendance on a scale of always, sometimes, or never as they relate to playing online games. Jun 21, 2016 · The result is supported by a study implementing a negative relationship between game addiction and scholastic performance as there are other factors causing poor academic performance such as level May 8, 2019 · The increasing prevalence of digital media has led to growing public concerns about potential detrimental effects, including the possibility that video games might be addictive. smartphone, 38% are usin g laptops or desktop com puters. level has positive effects on student athletes, research has shown that –especially for females–. Model fitness was empirically tested using survey data. In consideration of their findings, the researchers recommend that school professionals advise parents and students of the potentially harmful effects of playing video games. The greater the use of a phone while studying, the greater the negative impact on learning. Further analysis using Review Manager 5. The researchers used the descriptive-correlational research design. 39 with a descriptive level of moderate. Videogames have been shown to help children undergoing chemo- therapy, children undergoing psychotherapy, children with particular emotional and behavioural problems (ADD, impulsivity, autism) and individuals with medical and health problems (Erb’s palsy, muscular the student can better manage Internet usage, it will have a positive effect on the academic. There was a significant correlation between the respondents’ GPA in Grade 10, their daily and weekly hours spent in playing, their motivation in playing online games and the level In reviewing the research, one major concern appears to be whether playing online games has a negative or positive impact on academic performance, and if so, what the consequences are. According to established standards, a total of 14 These games are played online, in which you can connect with multiple players. 01 Aug 28, 2019 · using video games as education-enhancing tools. Elsewhere, if is use for extensively in recreational purposely use for example playing games and watching video games, there will be a negative effects on the student’s academic performances. H1. Feb 24, 2022 · The construct computer use, measured as the frequency of use, positively impacts computer confidence and academic achievement. Rodica Hanes Andrew Q. Academic Data Analysis The following table in Figure 1 indicates the results of test scores during the unit on Solving Systems of Equations without the use of calculators. are an effective and motivating way to teach vocabulary in. The data showed that online games have bad effects on their academic performance which the respondents AGREE with a weighted mean of 2. Thus, the greater the use of computers, the more confident students are while using them, and so the more use of the computer, the better the performance achieved. management. It will examine students' gender and age profiles as well as the effects of online Sep 23, 2019 · Analyses of the association between screen-based activities and academic performance areas were performed by subgroups of age: children were between 4 and 11. powerful learning tools as they are able to provide a learning environm ent that promotes. This research was initiated to identify the game type most suitable to our teaching environment and to identify game elements that students found interesting or useful . The study aims to determine the impact of online gaming on students' academic performance and social behavior. •. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether online games (especially MMOGs) impacted students positively or vice versa; focusing on three elements (time management, social life and emotion). Online games, because of the characteristics of confrontation, entertainment and challenge, make it a way for college students to vent their emotions This study determined the effect of computer games on the academic performance of grade six pupils in selected catholic schools in Davao City during the school year 2012-2013. This paper focuses on the impact of online games among Malaysian undergraduate students. enlist different potential benefits of online games; clari ty in th is domain mayhelp ingathering an understanding of how online games may be utilized toenhan ce the overall functioning of the individual. It collects demographic information like age and gender. sport involvement can lead to depression. According to the. Feb 24, 2023 · In this study, it is found that meeting the need for personal growth, satisfying the need for social life and promoting academic performance are the main positive effects of playing online games. While some argue that video games can enhance cognitive skills, others claim that excessive gaming can lead to poor academic performance and even addiction. In overviewing the research, one main concern seems to be whether the playing of video games impacts academic performance in a negative or positive way and what those consequences are. Any modern VG requires an extensive repertoire of attentional, perceptual and executive abilities, such as a deep perceptual analysis of complex unfamiliar environments, detecting relevant or irrelevant stimuli, interference control, speed of information processing, planning and decision making, cognitive flexibility and working memory. Studies have shown that playing online games can have both positive and negative effects on academic performance, depending on the type of game, the amount of time spent playing, and the individual's overall academic goals. Effect of Video Games on Cognitive Functions. The paper further discussed the outcomes of Feb 4, 2024 · There were statistically positive correlations between academic purpose and social motives domains of utilizing social media and academic performance (r = 0. Aug 3, 2021 · study shows that problematic online gaming behavior has strong negative correlation with various subjective health outcomes. 05). Talania In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Strand positive impacts of online games on their academic performance”, “the positive impacts of online games on learning” and “the appealing features of online games” and followed probing Nov 23, 2023 · Many studies have examined the risk effects of game addiction, including academic performance, physiological development, social development, and the formation of negative emotions such as package Mar 5, 2021 · Objective: This study aims to know if online gaming has a positive impact or negative impact towards the student's behavior and identify how it will affect their academic performance. The results found that over half of students spend 3-5 hours per The positive and negative impacts of playing mobile games were identified and evaluated, and the degree of learning experiences show that IT students frequently and actively engaged, participated Online gaming is a popular activity among students, but how does it affect their academic performance and social behavior? This paper explores the positive and negative impacts of online gaming on different aspects of student life, such as motivation, learning, communication, and aggression. 062), and between academic performance and possession of a laptop (r= -0. Berger (2013) study shows that students who utilize mobile phone more tend to achieve lower International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2021, 8(1), 454-484. 6%) of the respondents were. 304, p <0. This paper attempted to study the negative effects of online games on students’ academic performance. Another aspect of negative impact for female student athletes at the collegiate level is that of the high risk for battling with depression. 1 Age does not affect Academic Performance H2. These effects can be described as of two kinds, Positive effects and Negative effects. 4%) Female, with I decided to implement the use of technology into the classroom to observe any changes in academic performance and student achievement. Jul 11, 2019 · A total of 375 respondents are surveyed about the impact of using Facebook on the. 2 Gender does not affect Academic Performance H2. The existing literature, however, highlights more negative than positive influences of gaming amongst the Nov 5, 2022 · The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the time that higher education students spend playing video games during exam periods and their average grades in one Eastern European country. ity to explore various online teaching strategies such as digital games in the classroom. education in memory, psyche, critical thinking, and stress. study are the following Jan 1, 2021 · performance, teache r s and academic perform ance, students and acade mic pe r- formance, hunger and academic performance e tc. The respondents were the 154 Grade 11 senior high school students in Negative Effects of Online Games on Academic Performance Kurt Garcia 1, Nelson Jarabe , Jessie Paragas1 Pangasinan State University1 Abstract – This paper attempted to study the negative effects of online games on students’ academic performance. The statements address things In a different point of view, online pedagogy had a negative effect on student academic performance when compared with the traditionally taught group, and online students 27 underperform compared with face-to-face students (Bir, 2019; Dendir, 2019); and Stark (2019) found that while online students reported lower levels of motivation compared Nov 24, 2022 · Table 1 shows the mean scores for the Academic Performance of Working Student. games on vocabulary lea rning, it can be said that onl ine games. There were more boys than girls-respondents. following factors: attendance, final marks, time spent playing video games, positive and negative school experiences, and positive and negative video game experiences. 3 for meta-analysis showed that On the other hand, evidence points to the fact that the use of the Internet and electronic games is found to have detrimental efects such as reduced sleeping time, behavioural problems (e. Tamim et al. Male and (30. Conclusion College educators and families should take advantage of the positive effect of online games to guide college students to use online games Academic Performance: The self-reported cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the 3RD grading is used to evaluate participants' academic performance. The result shows (69. Another variable, academic acceleration, was found to have medium level of positive effects. Playing online games increase emotional disorder r symptoms Table 5 presents the weighted mean distribution on the respondents' perception on the effects of online games to their academic performance. A quantitative research methodology was adopted in using online questionnaires among first-year university students at the North-West University, South Africa. This design described the profile of respondents and determined the difference in academic performance 30. Students state that online learning games used in the classroom can motivate Mar 4, 2020 · Even so, in a descriptive study conducted at Tacloban City among college students, it was reported that online games have adverse effect in the students academic performance with particular Sep 28, 2021 · 5. The following is a This document summarizes a research report on the effects of online games on the academic performance of Grade 10 students at Balucuc High School. They believed that online gaming had a positive impact on test scores, overall grades, submission of school activities, time in studying, concentration in studies, participation in learning activities, interaction with people, interest in class Request full-text PDF. 9 years of age, and adolescents were between 12 and 18 years of age. Nov 1, 2021 · It is also a way to unwind from academic stress. 029). 1 Time spent playing online games does not affect Academic Performance H1. Jan 18, 2022 · A survey of research on the possible negative effects of technology on children establishes a connection open_in_new between the level of a child’s use of technology and various developmental and behavior problems. 01; r = 0. Though games can be used to engage various learning styles and behaviors, the plat-form is mainly practiced at the secondary educational grade level with traditional-aged students. This study aims to investigate the impact of social media platforms on students' academic learning process. performance of students. The researchers recommended that parents should do something in limiting their children’s fondness in online games and that computer shop owners should prohibit students from playing online games during class hours. Lack of attention, aggressive behaviors, obesity, physical inactivity, sleep problems. The average of hours that the pupil-respondents played is three to four (3-4) hours in a day. In addition, random-effects meta-regression analyses were conducted to examine whether age (in years) was a factor in Jul 17, 2023 · There were obvious implications of the effects of online games on the academic performance of most of the students whereby their subjects’ grades were deteriorating. T Nov 2, 2020 · Both negative and positive effects of educational games on motivation were also explored based on comprehensive literature analysis. The more your children spend in playing online games, the sooner they fall asleep. Feb 1, 2024 · the virtual reality of video games, some behavioral impulse shows beyond the control and negative psychological damages happen. This study aims to determine the effects and correlation Online games have become a significant part of the adolescent's lifestyle now. It also seeks to compare The data gathering procedure following are steps in data gathering. 457 at the same level did not have any effects on academic achievement. students’ interest and motivation in learning which Jun 30, 2021 · The current study aimed to assess the gaming behaviour of school and college students during lockdown, to study how online games influence the student's academic performance and social behavior Aug 1, 2021 · Smartphone addiction has negative impacts on student learning and overall academic performance. internet usage, a total of 84% Jul 17, 2023 · There were obvious implications of the effects of online games on the academic performance of most of the students whereby their subjects’ grades were deteriorating. The paper also provides some recommendations for educators and parents to help students balance their This shows that even after playing online games it does not affect their social behavior and it has a positive effect. ” Prepared and submitted by: Pauline Denise V. Lack of concentration will be an issue to the children that spend more time in playing online games. Anand (2007) discovered a negative correlation between the amount of time spent playing online games and students' GPA and SAT scores in one study. While overall sport involvement at the college. 8% college students w ere playing Nov 6, 2023 · Moreover, online gaming can lead to psychological stress, decrea sed school performance, compromised. This shows that even after playing online games it does not affect their social behavior and it has a positive effect. A total of 83 respondents comprised from The data gathering procedure following are steps in data gathering. The researchers conducted surveys of 13 students to understand how much time they spend playing online games each day and whether it impacts their tardiness or academic performance. Playing online games can increase anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Moreover, the authors wanted to explore the differences among students with regard to their age, gender, year of study, and employment status in relation to video game-playing habits. The sample which was selected through the criterion sampling method, consists of 81 female (61. Although adolescents are more vulnerable, effects are comparable for both adolescents and adults. It provides background information on the study, which focuses on students from AMA Basic Education Las Piñas City. The r ole of the internet that allows acc ess to the e-book, search Apr 27, 2024 · The sample comprised 22 experimental studies conducted between 2008 and 2023, comparing the effects of gamified and non-gamified classes. On the other hand, on parental monitoring, out of ten indicators, five were rated agree. In this study we have tried to conclude physical and psychological positive and negative effects of playing video games. The parents want to monitor and guide their children because they know the positive and negative effects of playing computer games. The overall mean is 3. Health Issues. It is clear that in the right context, videogames can have a positive health benefit to a large range of different sub-groups. May 12, 2023 · Online video gaming has become a popular leisure activity among students, but concerns have been raised about its potential impact on academic performance. It aimed a how engineering students assessed their usage level of paying online mobile games which influences their academic performance. of played online games does not affect Academic Performance H2 Demographics affect Academic Performance H2. It is normally platform independent, relying on the web browser and appropriate plug-in. POSITIVE EFFECTS OF ONLINE GAMES Online games have a variety of positive effects as per different studies. Utilizing a random effects model, the results revealed a moderately positive effect of gamification on student academic performance (Hedges's g = 0. Busuyi (2020) investigated the effects of social media use on the academic performance of university undergraduate education students and observed that there were both positive and negative Jun 18, 2023 · However, studies have also demonstrated the negative effects of screen media use on a number of cognitive areas such as executive functioning, sensorimotor development, and academic outcomes [2,6]. On the other hands, the positive effect of computer games is competing for peers/friends. study 88. The effects of computer games are mostly negative effects on lack of bonding for family, lack of allowance for financial condition, and failing of grades & sleepy for academic performance. 82. Students state that online learning games used in the classroom can motivate Feb 1, 2018 · To conclude the litera ture review on the im pact of online. On. sleep qu ality, suicidal ideation, reduced sociability and self-efficacy, and decreased life Sep 14, 2021 · In this paper, we objectively evaluate the influence of various academic emotions on learning effects and studied the relationship between positive and negative academic emotions and learning effects by using five electronic databases, including WOS, EMBASE, PubMed, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar. Media multitasking was found to have a negative impact on executive functioning in teenagers, notably on working memory, inhibition, and the Pearldyne Ibanez. 8 %) female, and 50 male (38. 2019;Zhang et al. , 2021), as well as positive and negative effects on academic achievement of online games on academic performance were perceived positively by the Apr 26, 2018 · There was a moderate negative effect of playing online games on their academic performance in assignments, quizzes, class recitation, paper works and examinations. The effects depend on the nature of games and also the age limit of the players who play these games (Xue-min, 2009), (McCormick, 2001). 97%. Although there are some studies that research the effect of video games on cognitive functions and academic performance in children, it is still a popular subject of Jun 30, 2021 · Accordingly, the systematic literature review of Scott and Porter-Armstrong aimed to offer a more balanced view of the whole range of the positive and the negative effects of participation in MMORPGs, including on the psychosocial well-being of adolescents and young adults. ) and phrases si nce the study papers are of different topi cs and Also, the kind of online mobile games played by the students at school obtained a significant and direct correlation with academic performance (r = 0. As per the academic performance of the respondents the result shows that from the 126 responses, most of the students that plays on-line games obtain a grade ranging from 86-90 interpreted as “Good” that got 68 or 53. 3. In particular, how e-learning affects students' academic performance has become important since the COVID-19 pandemic and recent technological developments in education. This study concluded that social media usage has a positive effect on students' academic performance [9] Another study conducted on adversity Feb 10, 2020 · The distribution of users on device usage. EFL May 1, 2021 · of positive and negat ive effects on academic engagement; and thus, the results showed that positive affect pr edicts the behavioral, affec tive and cognitive component. Academic performance, Online games, The effects of online games on academic performance were perceived positively by the respondents. Digital technology use has stronger effects on short-term markers of hedonic well-being (eg, negative affect) than long-term measures of eudaimonic well-being (eg, life satisfaction). (2011), compiling the meta-analyses analyzing the effects of educational technologies on This study aimed to determine the effect of online games to the academic performance of the students in the College of Teacher Education. On the other hand, the number of hours spent at school, commonly played online mobile games at home, reasons for playing, and attitudes on playing an online mobile game show an If is intensively use for the purpose of academic of on communication that essential with others, there will be a positive impact on academic performance. academic performance of students. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effects of e-learning on university students' academic achievement. It can also lead to obesity, sleep disorders, eye and head pain which can result to cloudy The study suggested that online gaming could have both positive and negative effects on academic performance, depending on how it was managed by students. The class, lack of revision, and unattended homework due to the divergence of focus to online games. 045). The respondents were the 154 Grade 11 senior high school students in Pangasinan State University- Oct 22, 2018 · depression, trait anxiety and state anxiety compare to normal smartphone users (Hwang et al. Researchers have found that digital games are. Study Habits: Utilizing a Likert-scale evaluation, study habits are examined together with participants' time management skills and interest in academic assignments. required to see long-term effects of using video game-aided. 208, p <0. Aug 28, 2016 · The relationship between online games and academic performance is complex and not fully understood. The study aims to determine students' profiles in terms of name, frequency of mobile game use, and strand. Research is. This document provides an introduction to a study on the effects of online gaming on grade 11 students. They studied six research articles, where both negative and positive The aim of this study is to investigate high school students’ online game addiction with respect to gender. , 2012). 2 No. qy yz sv zp mp yz td kv cp on