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Most important supreme court cases 21st century

11 As part of the commemorative activities for the Brown decision, a national graduate student conference on "The Impact of the Brown Decision on American Education and Society" was held on 2 April 2004 at Teachers Nov 21, 2023 · Several U. And in fact, um, many people wanted the Supreme Court to resolve the question of the extension of slavery, um, into the West. Randall could be a landmark case in pushing the law of the First Amendment into the online world of the twenty-first century. Dismissed June 27. Dec 24, 2021 · US deserves a 21st Century Supreme Court. The landmark 1954 case saw justices rule unanimously that the racial segregation of children in public schools was Sep 24, 2020 · Um, in 1856, prior to that ruling, the court's reputation was outstanding. This is one of the most important Supreme Court cases on tribal sovereignty in the 21st century. Scalia and Ginsburg were described as intense personal confidants but ideological The National Constitution Center’s Supreme Court Cases Library includes materials on the most influential Supreme Court cases in American history. While the Cruikshank ruling primarily. [Agency Interpretation of Statute - EPA - Clean Air Act] 1983. Supreme Court considered the other two cases. Board of Education in 1954, probably the most famous of all civil rights cases, the Brown case. Fourth Amendment Landmark Supreme Court Cases. , "Review: Voices of American Law: US Supreme Court Cases Meet the 21st Century" (2008). Sep 15, 2021 · 50 Landmark Legal Cases. (n). But after the Supreme Court's ruling in 1857, the court's national reputation falls, uh, precipitously, especially in the North, obviously. 10 Mar 3, 2014 · Supreme Court brings private nuisance into the 21st century. Though principles governing searches of arrestees long Jul 30, 2020 · Oklahoma, the most important indigenous rights decision issued by the Supreme Court in the 21st century. Harvard and the University of North Carolina, and 303 Creative LLC, we discuss some of the most controversial cases in the history of the United States Supreme Court. Presidential Power Cases. 3, 1791, the Supreme Court handed down its first decision in the case of West v. In decisions in the 1980s in Pennhurst State School and Hospital v. The ACLU Women’s Rights Project has compiled a timeline of major Supreme Court decisions on women’s rights. '” Oct 27, 2023 · Hiding in plain sight: The most secretive trial of 2023 is the most important antitrust trial of the century by Lee Hepner, opinion contributor - 10/27/23 10:00 AM ET Jun 19, 2024 · Native American life in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been characterized by continuities with and differences from the trajectories of the previous several centuries. Board of Education is perhaps one of the most famous cases to have gone through the US Supreme Court. On Aug. This reversed the 1989 Stanford v. Inc. The District Court enjoys some important statutory jurisdictions, e. Oct 8, 2019 · Below are nine of the most important cases. (5th and 14th Amendments) Brown v Board of Education of Topeka. An appeal lies in most civil cases from the District Court to the Circuit Court and takes place by way of rehearing. 291 (2006), is the main case where the Court in the twenty-first century continued to enforce a long-standing requirement that Congress give unambiguous notice to states about any conditions imposed on the receipt of federal grants. 1008. Supreme Court announced one of its most important decisions of the 1960s. Not Mar 23, 2019 · The United States’ government filed a case against Standard Oil due to alleged antitrust violations under the Sherman Act. Apr 29, 2020 · Trayvon Martin, 2013. Full analysis Dec 2, 2020 · 21WIRE + The Hill | Will they be able to throw out hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in time? The Most Recent Administrative Law Decisions of the Court. by Ed Maixner, opinion contributor - 12/24/21 1:00 PM ET. In the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court spoke to whether, and to what extent, the rights and protections guaranteed by the Constitution applied to residents in the then-new territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. for the exchange of views Dec 1, 2003 · Gonzales, remained on hold in the U. In a brief, unsigned opinion, the Supreme Court dismissed a case about emergency abortions in Idaho, temporarily allowing women to receive an abortion when their Jan 12, 2024 · SCOTUS's First Same-Sex Marriage Case: Baker v. Oct 11, 2012 · Link Copied! Supreme Court cases that changed America —. to restrict the powers of the national government. If the justices uphold the United States Court of Appeals Mar 4, 2022 · The 6 most important Supreme Court abortion cases. Jun 12, 2019 · Nelson (1971), the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples did not violate the U. ” Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When must an intake official decide what to do with a juvenile offender?, What is the most common form of juvenile corrections?, What did the Supreme Court decisions during the 1966-1975 period do for juvenile justice in the United States? and more. 20. In this way, the Landmark Cases show us what we have tried, where we have been, and where we are—leaving We the People and future sessions Nov 5, 2020 · 1791: The court hears its first case. From the first days of American history until today, the Supreme Court has been pivotal in interpreting the Constitution and shaping America’s constitutional republic. What explains the Court's decisions in cases involving such issues as campaign finance regulation, gun control, abortion, affirmative action, health care reform, voting rights, and even the 2000 presidential election? 5 days ago · The groups’ lawyers, including Donald Trump’s former White House counsel Don McGahn of Jones Day, contend that the Supreme Court’s New Deal-era case law does not apply to 21st-century Aug 28, 2023 · Ferguson (1896). Holmes searched high and low for it until the conductor reassured Oct 9, 2014 · October 9, 2014. Jones, a unanimous Supreme Court held that the police and FBI violated the Fourth Amendment when they attached a GPS device to Antoine Jones’s car and tracked his movements for 28 days. Coming in second place, however, may be a bit more surprising: It’s the Rehnquist Court’s foundational standing decision Lujan v. His books include Top Secret: When Our Government Keeps Us in the Dark(2007), War and Lib-erty: An American Dilemma, 1790 to The supreme Court upheld the government's forceful removal of 120,000 people of Japanese descent, 70,000 of them U. to apply for a marriage license. California: whether the police need a warrant to search the cell phone of a person who has been lawfully arrested. v. Find out how! From its inception in families grew by over 15% from 1996 to 2017 but did decrease from 3m to 2. By completing this form, I agree to receive occasional emails per the terms of the ACLU’s. Here are some of the most significant Supreme Court cases in the 19th century: 1. Sort by: Name. I believe it was the correct decision, but the consequences of that The Supreme Court in the 21st Century Geoffrey R. Cases from 1850-1900. City of Chicago, the most important frontier for defining the scope of the Second Amendment is the right to carry weapons outside the home. Nichols resulted in perhaps the most important court decision regarding the education of language-minority students. In the first part of this paper, a few developments regarding the role and functions of the supreme courts that have become more prominent in the first decades of the 21st century are outlined. Together, we will explore the causes of the controversies and the country’s reactions to these important issues and cases. In so doing, we should consider how a retooled method of judicial selection advances five key values: safeguarding judicial independence; ensuring appropriate accountability in the absence of elections; recruiting high-quality judges; delivering a diverse judiciary; and. SPOILER ALERT: The most cited Supreme Court administrative law decision of all time is Chevron. A. Marbury v. 555 (1992). “The turn from Madison’s sensitivity for the delicate balance between power and liberty to NSC 68’s assumption that foreign policy ends justify the means occurred not in the early days of the Cold War but between 1890 and 1920. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. One of the more striking continuities is the persistent complexity of native ethnic and political identities. Board of Education. 15% of them lived in cohabiting couple families (up from 7% in 1996). regulation of firearms. Gross that states may use a drug linked to apparently botched executions to carry out death sentences. Constitution. And in both, the geeklicious world of information technology poked its fresh face into the marble and gilt chambers of Simmons case, the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for a youth under 18 years old at the time of his or her crime to receive a death penalty sentence. Allan Bakke was a 35-year-old white man who had twice been rejected for admission into the medical school at the University of California, Davis. Enron case (2001): The fall of an energy giant. A case in which the Court held that state courts do not have the authority to issue writs of habeas corpus in cases where the prisoner is held by the federal government. This case expanded free speech rights to include unlimited political spending by incorporated entities. Nov 29, 2007 · The appellate court, 21st Century argues, incorrectly held that the failure to order an examination is bad faith in all cases, while regulations of the Insurance Commissioner indicate an insurer should ask for an independent examination only when it believes it reasonably necessary. Spring 2024 tuition is $799. These rulings established important legal precedents and had far-reaching implications for various aspects of American life. The field has become the subject of news headlines and television shows. Domino’s book serves as either a core text in courses on civil liberties and civil rights, or as a supplementary text in courses on constitutional law and the judiciary. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U. Roper v. In the first case to deal with the Second. Arizona. ERLC Staff. Ableman v. Booth. Bakke, 438 U. What explains the Court's decisions in cases involving such issues as campaign finance regulation , gun control , abortion , affirmative action , health care reform , voting rights , and even the 2000 presiden-tial election ? This essay argues that there is a right and a wrong way for the Supreme Court to interpret Legal Writing and Research Commons, Litigation Commons, and the Supreme Court of the United States Commons How does access to this work benefit you? Let us know! Repository Citation Collins, Lauren M. Mar 20, 2024 · In this case, the Supreme Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring railroads to separate blacks and whites into different passenger cars. Board of Education, 347 U. , tit. Kentucky ruling, which allowed youth who were at least 16 years or older at the time of their crimes to receive death penalty sentences. On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin engaged in a conflict that would divide a nation, and take the latter man’s life. It also has often ruled on controversies involving civil liberties, including freedom of They have been married since 1992 and have three children, including plaintiff Tania Molinar, their youngest child who was born in 1995. Dec 18, 2022 · Here are 3 famous Supreme Court cases that have shaped the United States. S. There are achievable structural changes to create a U. Major Supreme Court Cases in 2015. A unanimous 5-0 opinion in favor of David Leonard Barnes Nov 30, 2023 · Here are twenty of the most impactful Supreme Court rulings in history that helped define the United States as a nation. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was traveling by train to Washington, D. . In fact, it is argued that this case helped contribute to the creation of the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. *** I do not exaggerate when I say this is probably the single most impactful state Supreme Court opinion of the 21 st century. In Plessy, The Court held that even though a Louisiana law required rail Supreme Court ethics reform must adequately account for unique circumstances facing a justice’s disqualification from hearing a case. This should provide more fuel to the fiery debate on Jun 28, 2019 · The Supreme Court’s decision stands as one of the most consequential rulings regarding privacy in the digital age, providing a roadmap for lower courts to protect many other kinds of sensitive data from warrantless government intrusion. T he growth of manufacturing and scientific discovery, and of the advertising and entertainment industries, drove the 20th century expansion of intellectual property Apr 1, 2013 · This essay explores that question with an eye on the recent performance of the Court in highly controversial and divisive cases. 9. Associated Press/J. During the tumultuous era of civil rights activism, the pivotal Brown v. Hiring officers who reflect the community they serve is important not only to external relations, but also to increasing understanding within the agency. A 1954 graduate of Case One of the most controversial cases of the 21st century is Citizens United v FEC, 558 US 310 (2010). Amendment, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment does not bar state. There were 14 million dependent children living in families in 2017. Sep 15, 2021. Immigration & Naturalization Serv. California and American Broadcasting Co. 483 (1954) – In this landmark civil rights decision, the U. The 1896 Plessy case was a case in which the Supreme Court reviewed a state law requiring racial segregation. The transportation or importation into any state, territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby In the aftermath of District of Columbia v. Virginia, 1967 (9-0 decision Scopes was eventually found guilty and ordered to pay a $100 dollar fine. 21st Century paid Quintana $1,000 under her insurance policy's med-pay provision. Arizona case of 1966 was filed as an appeal by Ernesto Miranda, convicted of rape and kidnapping in a lower court. United States, 287 U. The Dec 1, 2014 · 21st century, it is imperative that agencies place value on both educational achievements and socialization skills when making hiring decisions. The law of private nuisance is the way of balancing the rights of neighours, the right to be noisy or smelly, and to be free of noise or smells. 3 March 2014 by David Hart KC. S Sep 25, 2015 · The 21st Amendment reads: “Section 1. The Court stated that the Second Amendment “has no other effect than. ) be considered the most important Supreme Court decision in the 20th century. In Burwell v Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc, 573 US 682 (2014) the Supreme Court ruled incorporated entities even have religious rights. This was a very controversial Supreme Court case at the time, as the court was split (5-4). Jul 1, 2015 · U. Sutherland uttered the most famous blessing on that Feb 10, 2022 · These rulings continue to uphold systemic racism today. g. Justice Scalia is by far the more vocal of the two, prompting commentary by Jeffrey Rosen in The New York Times early in 2011, “If Scalia Had His Way: What the United States might look like under an May 9, 2024 · United States. S. What is now known as Miranda rights are an essential part of police procedure in every state and city/town. Jul 7, 2021 · Both cases could have larger implications for the future of American democracy. For 50 years, Earthjustice has fought thousands of legal cases, representing all our clients free of charge — because the earth needs a good lawyer. Sims (1964) Cruikshank, 92 U. The scandal of Enron is undoubtedly one of Wall Street's most iconic and damaging corporate ets the challenges of the 21st century. As Brent Leatherwood, acting president of ERLC, has said, this case is a “once-in-a-generation Jun 16, 2015 · Fifty years ago this month, the U. Loving v. In this string of cases decided from 1901 to 1922, the court Jul 29, 2009 · The 9 greatest Supreme Court justices of all time were bold thinkers who wouldn't survive today's confirmation process. The idea of protecting the rights of people associated with a corporation is far from new. Jun 14, 2021 · The Supreme Court has never decided a case on the basis of the Third Amendment, but it has referred to its protections in cases surrounding issues of property and privacy rights. However, the sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court of Tennessee for a legal technicality. " Leading case " is commonly used in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth jurisdictions Oct 14, 2020 · Intellectual property cases are reaching the Supreme Court at a faster clip than in previous decades. In 2000 more than 600 indigenous bands or tribes were The Court famously stated "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. STONE, a Fellow of the American Academy since 1990, is the Edward H. Barnes. On his way from a 7-11, with a bag of Skittles and a can of watermelon Nov 27, 2017 · “Carpenter could be the most important electronic privacy case of the 21st century,” said Jeffrey Rosen, the president of the National Constitution Center, a nonprofit group devoted to Lists of landmark court decisions. Sometime this summer, the Supreme Court will issue a ruling in Dobbs v. Students, parents and educators rally at the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, on the 60th anniversary Brown v. ) In a 5-4 decision, the Court upheld the federal ban, undermining a core principle of Roe v. " Importance: The Brown decision is heralded as a landmark decision in Supreme Court history, overturning Plessy v. In July 2013, shortly after Tania turned 18 years old, Silvia contacted 21st View by: Court term. District Court: the Circuit Court can grant decrees of divorce, judicial separation and nullity. 435 (1932) Entrapment is a valid defense to a criminal charge. McCulloch v. In 1954, a landmark moment in American history unfolded as the Supreme Court rendered its decision in the case of Brown v. The book is written in the Plessy v. But because federal law has the same prohibition, it is doubtful that the Supreme Court would change its mind even if that law were repealed. Stone GEOFFREYR. Maryland (1819): In response to the federal government's controversial decision to institute a national bank in the state Feb 8, 2024 · The Supreme Court of the 21st century, the Court of Chief Justice Roberts, will not be remembered for its early unison, but instead for the divisions that came after the death of its two most iconic justices: Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Supreme Court juvenile cases (1960-1970) issued a series of landmark decisions extending the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to ensure state courts and legislators would Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The Court’s jurisprudential approach, which focuses on due process, state lines, and minimum contacts, assumes that personal jurisdiction involves a highly complex, constitutionally important area of law. Educator Resource. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, one of the most monumental abortion cases of the century. Sorrells v. Ferguson in the 1896 case and Brown v. and $20,000 for defendants. The Court affirmed the idea that the races could be segregated by law as long as the public facilities available to each race were “equal, but separate. Olesen (1958) One of the first Supreme Court cases to consider LGBTQ rights concerned freedom of speech. The case was a challenge to the prosecution of Jimcy McGirt, a citizen of the Seminole Nation, by the state of Oklahoma for the commission of a crime that occurred on land that, according to Mr. While the case turned on the fact that the government The 1974 Supreme Court case Lau v. This case was brought forward by Chinese American students in the San Francisco Unified School District who were placed in mainstream classrooms despite their lack of proficiency in English, and Dec 19, 2017 · Murphy, 548 U. In this case it was taking about rail roads. Aug 24, 2009 · CHIN, J. Nelson, a clerk of Hennepin County District Court in Minnesota, and were denied. 21st Century paid Quintana $1,000 under her insurance policy s med-pay provision. Coventry v. Some cases—and the Court’s opinions in them—so profoundly alter our constitutional understandings that they can only rightly be called Landmark Cases—markers of where we have traveled as a nation. Code Regs. Throughout history, the Supreme Court has played an integral role in shaping how voters are represented, ballots are cast and elections are financed. The Supreme Court application of the Sherman Act in this case set a precedent for most other antitrust cases in the future. Heller and McDonald v. Levi Distin-guished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School. She maintained an auto insurance policy with 21st Century Insurance Company (21st Century) that included first party, no-fault medical payment (medpay) insurance coverage in case of an accident. Apr 18, 2016 · The reason that personal jurisdiction has become so important is that modern case law made it so. cases. ” Jan 18, 2024 · In this article, we will explore the three most significant corporate frauds that have marked the 21st century, analyzing the tactics used, the consequences and the lessons learned by corporate law. They submitted their application to Gerald R. 265 (1978). Gobitis 1940 West Virginia State Board of Education v. 8m from 2015 to 2017. 542 (1875). Chadha [Separation of Powers - Judicial Review] 1980. The National Law Review reports that The Miranda v. Board of Education decision that struck down In the 19th century, the Supreme Court handed down several key landmark decisions that significantly shaped American society. In U. This landmark decision unleashed an era of new opportunities, changing American This up-to-date analysis of the Supreme Court’s landmark rulings on civil rights and liberties is a discussion of the facts, legal issues, and constitutional questions surrounding those rulings. Download document. C. Landmark court decisions, in present-day common law legal systems, establish precedents that determine a significant new legal principle or concept, or otherwise substantially affect the interpretation of existing law. Scott Applewhite. One, Inc. Jack Baker, left, and Michael McConnell at their Oct 25, 2007 · Document Date: October 25, 2007. Mercury & Air Toxics Standards. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 1954 : Minersville School District v. Among the most important doctrinal sources used by the Supreme Court have been the commerce, due-process, and equal-protection clauses of the Constitution. , one morning nearly a century ago when a conductor asked for his ticket. Supreme Court’s decision in Regents of the University of California v. The American Civil Liberties Union joined over 200 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of an emergency request to stay a decision issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that severely restricted the use of mifepristone — a medication Jun 15, 2020 · The Supreme Court’s surprising 6-to-3 ruling in favor of gay and transgender rights was perhaps the strongest evidence yet of how fundamentally and unpredictably American views have changed. Bush, one of the former president’s most lasting legacies took his seat Monday morning at the Supreme Jan 26, 2012 · On Monday the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision protecting privacy in the digital age. Nelson (1972) In 1970, Jack Baker and Michael McConnell were the first same-sex couple in the U. In 2006, Silvia and Alberto purchased an automobile insurance policy from defendant 21st Century Insurance Company (21st Century). Chevron U. Here are seven landmark cases from the last six decades: Reynolds v. If it creates the precedent that a government official’s social media page can be a limited public forum, that will truly allow social media to be “the most important place. More details Feb 8, 2019 · February 08, 2019. Miranda v. 10, § 2695. Ferguson 1896 Brown v. Oct 29, 2018 · Davison v. Section 2. Wade: that women’s health must remain paramount. After World War I, the United States became embroiled in what would become the first Red Scare. 21% lived in lone parent families (compared with 20% in 1996). Supreme Court Justice George S. Aug 8, 2014 · 64-Gigabyte Smartphones Six weeks after squarely mooring itself in the 18th century with Town of Greece, the Supreme Court confronted a decidedly 21st century issue in Riley v. (See Cal. See 50 of our proudest accomplishments that truly changed life for people and wildlife and set the stage for the world we Dec 3, 2018 · As a contingent of well-wishers flood the nation’s capital to pay respects to George H. First 20th-century case where the Court protected the rights of Blacks in the South, and one of its first to review a criminal conviction for constitutionality. Brown v. This is a pairing of Plessy v. One year in, we’re working to ensure that lower courts heed the high court’s call and extend the Oct 16, 2020 · This important Supreme Court case has had a significant impact on how American law enforcement operates. Aereo, Inc. To ensure nonpartisan rigor and ideological diversity, we enlisted a pair of leading scholars from diverse constitutional perspectives—Caroline Fredrickson and Ilan Wurman—to help choose the landmark cases included in the Supreme Court Cases Sep 15, 2019 · Maybe. In only 5 percent of cases do these costs reach about $300,000 per party, and in those cases the stakes were estimated at $4-5 million. 7, subd. March 04, 2022. Board of Education of Topeka case shone as a symbol of optimism. The court decided in Glossip v. The court's ruling, which The Court weighs in on the prosecution of suspected terrorists, affirmative action in college admissions, partial-birth abortion, and other modern legal issues. Lawrence [2014] UKSC 13, 26 February 2014, read judgment. Silvia Quintana (Quintana) was injured in an automobile accident with a third party. Even in the highest value cases, total costs, including attorney fees, averaged well less than 10 percent of what was at stake. Lower courts have disagreed on the proper approach for resolving this issue, how to read the Supreme Court precedent, and the extent of the right protected by the Second Amendment. Some of those new functions are doubtful and stretch the Brown v. Read summaries of the majority ruling in landmark Supreme Court cases that have had an impact on our rights as citizens. Supreme Court determined that a separate education for African-American children was not an equal education, concluding that “in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place and that ‘separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Hitherto it is has been explicitly a May 5, 2014 · The Supreme Court docket obsessed among you will know that these were the questions presented in two cases argued before the Supreme Court in the last two weeks: Riley v. One of the major court rulings just mentioned was the U. McGirt, was Muscogee (Creek) Nation Dec 9, 2017 · The Supreme Court is re-examining American rights to digital privacy in a case that has been described as the most important electronic privacy case of the 21st century. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. Law Faculty Articles and Essays. The 21st Century Courts Act takes important steps to rebalance the justices’ current reluctance to recuse in any but the most extreme circumstances and would create a transparent and impartial system for Oct 26, 2019 · Murphy re-argued in its next session. citizens, from their homes on the West Coast to internment camps in remote areas of western and midwestern states during World War I. Id. Supreme Court decisions dating back over 200 years have blurred the lines between individual rights and the rights of corporations. Because the Constitution is vague and ambiguous in many places, it is often possible for critics to fault the Supreme Court for misinterpreting it. She maintained an auto insurance policy with 21st Century Insurance Company (21st Century) that included first party, no-fault medical payment (med-pay) insurance coverage in case of an accident. under the Intoxicating Liquor Acts. W. Individual Decisions and Related Material: 1984. Ferguson (1896) which had created the "separate but equal" doctrine. Oct 14, 2016 · October 14, 2016 In Honor of Fred Gray: Making Civil Rights Law from Rosa Parks to the 21st Century - Part 1 Case Western Reserve University School of Law "In Honor of Fred Gray: Making Civil Rights Law from Rosa Parks to the Twenty-first Century" offers a day-long examination of the work of one of our nation's most important lawyers and its continuing implications. This tragedy, and the case that ensued has forced many to consider how we feel about law, order, and race. Sacco and Vanzetti Murder Trial. In mid-2012, two self-identified originalists sit on the Supreme Court of the United States: Justices Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit while the U. ”. 1. The idea of corporate personhood is not a few fangled idea brought on with the start of the 21st Century. cc na zj wm vh xd gc jc xb hp