Tkinter disable background window Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, not just the person asking now. use_readonly_for_disable=True, it will be readonly; use_readonly_for_disable=False, it will be disabled; disabled=False, it will be normal; If the Input element / entry widget is readonly, then the value may not be changed using element/widget commands and no insertion cursor will be displayed, even if the input focus is import customtkinter as ctk window = ctk. x; tkinter; If you are using OS X or Windows, you might need to change the How to have a maximized window and disable resizing without overlay the taskbar on Windows - tkinter / tk-toolkit. Besides that, you can also just run mainloop off the toplevel called passcheck and it'll save you a window. You can create the root window by creating an instance of Tk. Sometimes you might want a quick one-liner You just cannot set the transparency of the frame in tkinter. After this you can force the window by calling the geometry method via binding the event every time the window is configured. 7, with the default tkinter package, and my root object doesn't have a withdraw() method. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", window. ; Use the geometry() method to change the size and location of the window. 5) You can also do root. The argument may be either the index of the pane, counting from zero, or the child widget. By setting the 'state' to "disabled", the widget becomes uneditable. Spinbox tkinter. However, ensuring that these secondary windows capture user focus and prevent interaction with the main window until dismissed can enhance the usability and flow of an application. 12 on Windows 11. Label(app, textvariable=labelText, A simple tkinter code for Python 3 for setting background image . PS: put "windows" into the tags of this I have a main window which has several buttons and when clicked those buttons a new window will popup which also which only closes the current window. Tk() button1 = tk. attributes('-topmost', 1) window. Sure, tkinter provides some options like an icon, a title, a child-toplevel, a tool window, etc, but don't be fooled by these options! While he has an interface to communicate with window manager, he's mainly a tool for the client area of the window, and window managment/decoration isn't his purpose. ttk module provides access to the Tk themed widget set, introduced in Tk 8. I guess, you would need some windows specific calls for that. I tried multiple things online but it was all in vein. The function should look like this: def disable_takefocus(widget): for w in widget. It could be really simple like: from tkinter import * # create root window root = Tk() # root window title and dimension root. Based on @big Sharpie's solution here are two generic functions that can disable and enable a hierarchy of widget (frames "included"). They are: 1) tkinter. The reason it exists is exactly what you're asking for -- to remove the window manager border. listener = keyboard. wait_window(another_toplevel) as demonstrated at stackoverflow. Transparent background and top window border in a Tkinter window. I am using tkinter buttons and added the activebackground argument to them which make the background of the button becoming colored with the color you want when the button is being hovered. Toplevel(root) window. So all you have to do is to recursively loop over the widgets and configure them as desired. Make it look something like this: # Create the In this article, we will demonstrate how to Hide, Recover, and Delete the Tkinter widgets, by using the various elements of widgets like buttons, labels, frames etc. But for now I will settle for being able to make the background transparent while keeping child widgets fully-visible. mainloop() This causes the window. Can someone teach me how to disable the window, or how to recreate the window, or show me a different solution which allows me to do such things. tkinter menu checkbutton - Prevent It is not about the text colour, I just want to change the tk background so it will look more better. ; Use the window. Basically all you need is to use tk. resizable(width=False, height=False) root. So far I have tried. e. I'm looking for a solution in which appart from disable the selection, affect the visualization of the widget just like an entry widget. in front of it. . Tkinter Class API Reference Contents. Each frame contains an entry widget and a button to enable or disable the frame. Additional windows are created using the CTkToplevel class. Method 3: Replacing the Root Window. For example, you can set the background color of a label widget to be transparent by using the following code: label = Disable an Entry Widget in Tkinter. Otherwise, you can overlay PNG images with transparent parts using a Explanation: root. The problem is when we want to set the view mode of an entity. Viewed 19k times 14 . It's also going to need to be packed on a separate line, otherwise the instance variable self. I don't know if you can do this without using Toplevel or not, but here's a small example of what you could do to remove the window border and keep the icon in the taskbar. However when I try to define some top-level windows that are opened by the sub-menu items the background image does not appear (not to mention scale). quit() The above line just bypasses the root. During the runtime of a program there should only be one instance of this class with a single call of the . In this blog post, we will explore the powerful combination of Tkinter, Python’s standard GUI toolkit, and the threading module, which allows your applications to perform background tasks Tkinter window background color does not reflect in the window. overrideredirect(1) Problem 1: import tkinter as tk import tkinter. ---This video is You should create your creator window as an instance of tkinter. Tkinter is responsible for what is in the window but the window manager decides about the border. which only closes the current window. Below are some of the approaches by which we can disable an entry widget in Tkinter: Using the 'state' Option. One of the key components in Tkinter is the root window, which serves as the main window of the application. But I am wondering how would I go about changing the root window How to specify where a Tkinter window opens? 1. But you can set the transparency of the whole window with root. If user clicks within toplevel window it gains focus and smothers much smaller top2 window until toplevel window is dragged off of it. resizable(0,0) #will disable max/min tab of window qw. By accessing the 'bg' property of the root window directly, we can set the background color to ‘red’ in a single line, making this an incredibly concise way to modify widget properties. It provides additional benefits including anti-aliased font rendering under X11 and window A Tkinter app showing a window with the default title bar. Cut out the text white background from the image. python-3. Why You Should Tkinter Class API Reference Contents. That way, important apps have all the CPU resources they need. theme_use('winnative') self. lower() root. 0) #For icon #root. resizable(0,0) # # if on MS Windows, this might do the trick, # # but I wouldn't know: # root. If you do not, then the first time you create a window a root window will be created for you. initUI() Tkinter Class API Reference Contents. There are two ways through which you can change Tkinter window Background Color. mainloop() stops. I have a square background image, which fades to black around the edges, and then the main window has a black background. Removing the Window's Title Bar from tkinter import * qw=Tk() qw. messagebox import datetime import tkinter as tk class AlertDialog: def __init__(self): self How to disable a Combobox in Tkinter? Ask Question Asked 10 years, 8 months ago. When the window has been iconified, the state This code makes a window with the conditions that the user cannot change the dimensions of the Tk() window, and also disables the maximise button. attributes("-transparentcolor", "red") if you are using Windows, but again it will be applied to the whole window. Toplevel() rather than declaring a new instance of Tk() altogether, then you can use grab_set to prevent the user from interacting with the root window while the creator window is open. CTk() # Attempt to configure background color after initialization window. Open both the background image and the screenshot of the rendered window. iconify) # Exiting the application with 'Esc' key root. – Configure tkinter ttk widgets with transparent backgrounds - Tkinter has many feature attributes and properties to frame the structure of an application and configure the widget. winfo_children(): # Get all the child widgets of You can disable the Close function: window. tabs() that will return a list of tab references in the notebook in order of first tab1, then tab2 and so on So, this notebook has two tabs and we want to disable the tab 2 therefore, grab the tab2 reference Looking for advice on how to remove or disable a *resizable* window's maximize button under Windows. button_1 will return None:. ; Use the resizable() method to specify whether a window can be resizable horizontally or vertically. mainloop(), i. My answer to another Tkinter question has an example of that being done. attributes('-topmost', 1) to make the window I'm trying to create a root window with a black background to blend with my button backgrounds. insert(where, w[, weight=N]) Add a new pane w to the window at the position specified by where, where where may be either an index or the pane widget before which you want to insert the new pane. Toplevel() for the second tkinter window and make sure that the 'parent' is root2 so the image will appear in the second window. mainloop() linstener. Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) listener. 3, how do I disable Tkinter's background "Tab" key binding. Basically, I want to disable a certain Combobox, based on the value of another combobox. pyw extension and now it will open with It's impossible with tkinter alone. import sys import threading import tkinter as tk import tkinter. Background: I have a resizable window with min and max sizes set via the window's minsize() and maxsize() methods. 4. mainloop() This makes a button but it has a grey background that a. Tkinter not being thread-safe doesn't mean you can't use it in a multi-threaded application. def disable_clickthrough(hwnd, root): # Calling the function again sets the extended style of the window to zero, reverting to a standard window win32api. mainloop() method, which starts the app. For windows 10, I have created a window style using customtkinter which have round corners: self. How to make click events pass though a tkinter window? 5. To disable the Exit or [X] control icon, we have to define the protocol() met For Input element, option. Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. attributes('-alpha', 0. asksaveasfilename. When we click the "Enable" button, it will activate Frame1. Python tkinter, how to disable background buttons from being clicked. I'm trying to create a root window with a black background to blend with my button backgrounds. label=Label(window,text='TMU,College library',font='75',bg=blue) from tkinter import* from tki CTk. menu. join() or. Tkinter has not yet added a convenient way to use this new dialog, so this example code uses the Tcl API Is there any way to disable all windows when a messagebox popup is created in tkinter? Here's the code: from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def show(): messagebox. overrideredirect(1) # will remove the top badge of window qw. – Bryan Oakley. tkinter ttk Entry widget -disabledforeground. update) window. If you also want the toplevel to "blink" when you click on the root window, you also have to disable the root window. Python has a lot of GUI frameworks, but Tkinter is the only framework that’s built into the Python standard library. Edit contents of new Toplevel window. Maybe someone else can figure out how to trigger the cursor to disappear when the application loads, but here's the code I have so far: It sounds like you are asking how to make your Label have a transparent background. This answer is to make one Tkinter Window pop up overtop of other Tkinter windows. Creating a GUI using Tkinter is an easy task. PanedWindow (master=None, cnf={}, **kw) Configuration Options: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor Remove a pane. Functions used: Toplevel() is used to launch the second window; Syntax: toplevel = To do that, we can use a method called overrideredirect(). mainloop() here are the two ways to 💡 Problem Formulation: In Python’s Tkinter module, creating auxiliary windows like popups and dialogs is common. Under Windows, the window will show up in the taskbar. mainloop() will still be running in the background if quit() command is executed. So, if you want to exit and close the program completely, you It is basically a modified version for tkinter. PanedWindow tkinter. with keyboard. background or bg: Configure the background option using a style. I have a pretty simple Tkinter script but I don't want it to be resizable. bind('<Escape>', lambda e: root. Tkinter is lightwei On Unix Systems (including GNU/Linux, macOS, and BSD) Use nohup mypythonprog &, and you can close the terminal window without disrupting the process. I have successfully set a background image to that menu and it also scales when I change the dimension of the GUI window. So apart from making the tkinter window fullscreen and forcing it to stay on top of every other window I don't think you can prevent the user to interact with an external program. And also, the following function to disable the clickthrough again. I have used buttons for the images, you had labels so you may wish to change this, but buttons gave me a way to open a new tk window easily, I have also used . Python Tkinter is a popular library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. pack(ipadx=15, ipady=10) I have a basic GUI that begins with a main menu of sorts. Tk open window issue/bug. <window>. . Blocking The Tab Key. master, text = 'test', command = Using the above attributes the output of our window with the button is here. update method to be called in place of the window. Menu(root Python with Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications. To refresh or update the window in Tkinter, call update() method on the Tk window object, followed by the update_idletasks() method. I have prepared some tk application. You can use the overrideredirect() method on the root window to kill the title bar and the default geometry settings. When the window has been withdrawn, the state method returns "withdrawn". scrolledtext as scrolledtext root = tkinter. I used notebook_name. redraw the window. join() I have made the following changes in the desativa_tab2() function inside of the teste_suporte. Darcy?"/"Not if I can help it," how should we interpret the reply? Could I have a basic python class that creates a window using the standard Tkinter library: import Tkinter class GUI(Tkinter. attributes("-transparentcolor", transparent_color) # transparent_color will be the transparent color self. If you intend to pause execution (make code after sub-window creation not run until sub-window is closed) as well, use root. Example. Frames do not support the state setter. quit you need to provide some other method of exiting the program. 5) to set the transparency for the window. def disable_clickthrough(hwnd, root): Transparent background in a Tkinter window. protocol("WM_MINIMIZE_WINDOW", button_pressed) def button_pressed(): pass and. bind('<Escape>', lambda e: root. Follow The background color of the entry field while disabled is a light blue shade. Improve this answer. I am using python 2. Commented Sep 30, 2014 at 2:23. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root. disabled=True. __init__(self, parent) self. To make it temporary, disable topmost right after: def raise_above_all(window): window. 0. configure(bg_color='red') window. Tkinter see through window not affected by We're building a GUI interface with Python+tkinter. This is because tkinter assumes that if something explicitly requests a window size, that size should be honored. messagebox import datetime import Lets remove the cancel button from your quitDialog window and then add a I was wanting the program to open up a root window, and then a toplevel listbox without a title bar; however, the only thing the program is doing right now is freezing, and when I remove the . On Windows Systems. how do i stop the tkinter window being not interactable while a "computation heavy" function is running. PanedWindow (master=None, cnf={}, **kw) Configuration Options: background, bd, bg, borderwidth, cursor Or just make the window fullscreen and topmost (again the issues with keyboard focus on other windows but now user has no issues whatsoever with accessing the other windows except they wouldn't see what they are typing) and this requires to implement some button to close the window (currently doable by alt+f4 or shutting down the computer or Can someone teach me how to disable the window, or how to recreate the window, or show me a different solution which allows me to do such things. attributes('-topmost', 0) Just pass in the window you want to raise as a argument, and this should work. 1. Go ahead and update your code. Tk() # usual root configs like title and geometry go here creator = tk. Open a photo editing tool. window['resizable'] = false, (using the same mechanism as with -alpha), which makes the window background transparent and removes its shadow. Disable Exit (or X ) in Tkinter Window - The window manager implements the Tkinter window control icons. For example: class modal(tk I want to create a GUI in tkinter with two Frames, and have the bottom Frame grayed out until some event happens. However, there may [] background_image=tk. pack(), not text if you remove the image attribute? i. askdirectory, filedialog. The wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', 'color') method is used for providing the transparent b Note: the automatic resizing will stop working if you give the main window a fixed size with the geometry method on the root window, or if the user manually resizes the window. Label(parent, image=background_image) background_label. config(background=transparent_color) self. Here is an example of using Canvas to achieve something similar to what you are Here's a working example, tested on Windows 7 & 10: # Python 3 import tkinter import tkinter. Summary/Discussion. I'm aware this is done with wxPython and some other modules, but I'm inquiring as to the limits of Tkinter. configure Instead of changing TEntry1 to disabled it creates a new window with TEntry1 disabled, my gut instinct is that it's . Toplevel(root) # the The closest I can come is to create a Frame and set the cursor to 'none', but it still has an issue of requiring the cursor to leave and re-enter the app window, at least on my machine (Mac OS X Mavericks). Set window background color; Tkinter – Window padding; Tkinter – Window resize event; Tkinter – Refresh Learn how to effectively disable the Windows key in your Tkinter applications, ensuring a seamless user experience during sign-in processes. For any tkinter widget to exist, there must first be a root window. Save the program with a . geometry() method of tkinter. In this tutorial, you will learn how to refresh the Tk window in Tkinter, with an example program. Resize your background to fit the image. py file to disable the tab 2 in the notebook. I'm using Python 2. While this code may solve the question, including an explanation of how and why this solves the problem would really help to improve the quality of your post, and probably result in more up-votes. Here's a small working example with minimal functionality: Without the event loop, tkinter has no way to actually draw the window. Is it possible to create a Tkinter Window with no takefocus is a standard option in tkinter and ttk. In this article, we will see how to set Tkinter widgets with a transparent background. In tkinter, can you lock the toplevel window onscreen until it is destroyed? That is to say the user won’t be able to interact with the root window until the TopLevel window is destroyed. You can also run exit if you are running in the cloud and don't want to leave a hanging shell process. How do I prevent a Tkinter window from being resizable? I honestly don't know what to do. new_championship_button = Button( host_window, bg='black', image=resized_photo, activebackground="white", bd=0, highlightthickness=0, command=lambda: Tkinter is a Python Package for creating GUI applications. Remove I'm really confident about what I said. geometry('350x200') # all widgets will be here # Execute Tkinter root. How To Hide Tkinter python Gui. Share. Tk ['bg']=color 2) tkinter. Use the title() method to change the title of the window. attributes('-alpha',0. import tkinter as tk root = tk. class menu: def __init__(self, master): self. In the following code I simply had get the position by using winfo_rootx and winfo_rooty. Operating with the Aero stuff is I'm running Python2. 7 for Windows. How can I have the program open only one listbox without a title bar on windows? Thanks By "any other window" do you mean any other program on the computer? Tkinter only has control over the Tk root window and its children, not on the other opened programs. Here are five ways to disable background apps on Windows. Turns the window into an icon (without destroying it). mainloop() But neither of these methods change the background color of the window. mainloop() from tkinter import * qw=Tk() qw. The simplest approach to disable an Entry widget in Tkinter is by modifying its 'state' option. I'm aware that this is an old question, but for any future readers, a simpler way to remove cycling focus for widgets is by unbinding <<NextWindow>>, as stated by Bryan Oakley here in this post. Welcome to StackOverflow. com/questions/31437342/ By setting a custom command to the ‘WM_DELETE_WINDOW’ window protocol, you can intercept the event when a user tries to close the window, providing custom behavior We can close the main window while residing in a popup window by using the withdraw() method. GWL_EXSTYLE, 0) # Remove the always on top property again, in case always on top was set to false in options This is an unofficial mirror of Tkinter reference documentation (based on Python 2. place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1) You can then grid or pack other widgets in the parent as normal. start() window. 5) created by the late John Shipman. pack() root. Tk() # Set the window to minimize on close root. ',background=_bgcolor) self. root. destroy() completely destroys and closes the window. overrideredirect(1) if I remember correctly. Documentation of arguments and methods of all windows. Remove the while loop and replace it with mainloop: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() root. Tk. From my understanding at the moment tkinter does not have this feature for widgets like labels and buttons. For example in Ubuntu the window would look totally different. How to unbind Ctrl-i in python which is by default Summary. Related. This is my script: Im creating a tkinter program and was wondering if you could disable the buttons on the top bar of the window. resizable(FALSE,FALSE) wm resizable . For it to exist, there must import Tkinter as tk root= tk. Tested with Python 3. ttk as ttk def self. iconify. parent = parent Tkinter Class API Reference Contents. geometry("100x100") I want to change the background window but like on most windows applications there is that border around your program that is default. CTk Windows. I have a main window which has several buttons and when clicked those buttons a new window will popup which also has a button called cancel. iconify) # make Esc exit the program root. Anchoring Toplevel window(s) to root window, python 2 We're building a GUI interface with Python+tkinter. foreground: The foreground color ( font ) of the widget. from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk import tkinter. from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox top = Tk() C = Canvas(top, how to set background image to a window using Tkinter python 2. It provides a set of tools and widgets that allow developers to build interactive and visually appealing applications. Example Code This method is useful when you want to temporarily remove the root window but keep the application running in the background. Prevent a Python Tkinter window from being closed (including Alt+F4) 1. destroy() While destroy() command vanishes out root. deiconify. How can i change it to the default grey color? From this post i understood how we can change the foreground color. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", button_pressed) menu. I have the following: class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago. master = master self. The button needs to be an instance variable, if you're accessing it between methods in the class. Common List of Attributes Here are some of the most common Tkinter widget attributes widely used : text: The text displayed on the widget. Tk() root. The messageboxes are the same all around, the one I want to try to take advantage of the most is filedialog. Note this was created with the help of this example. SetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con. I want a tkinter window which does not have option to close at the top right. conflicts with my window background and b. mainloop() listener. In this article, we will explore three different How to run background tasks in a Python & Tk desktop application without freezing the window. Tkinter provides the Toplevel() function to create Ok I've made up a solution for you. Just make sure you create the background label first so it has a lower stacking order. After that, you need to rebuild all those methods from scratch to set it back up like you want. Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener: window. Spinbox (master=None, cnf={}, **kw) Configuration Options: activebackground, background, bd, bg, borderwidth from tkinter import * root = Tk() testbutton = Button(root, text="If this was an image I should be able to click the image only"). However it is still possible to create your own see-through label with Canvas. On your screen, you'll get a regular Tkinter window with the title bar and the decoration provided by your current operating system. destroy()) # create a To redraw the window, use deiconify. overrideredirect(True), the program launches two listbox windows. Button(root, text='Hello') # Two example buttons button2 = tk. , root. This can be done by setting the background color of the widgets to an empty string or using the "systemTransparent" color option. You can remove the border with root. Hot Network Questions How to explain my unjustified dismissal for "Gross Misconduct" professionally? In "Do you dance, Mr. allows users to click the image background. Only that you must limit the number of threads accessing Tkinter concurrently to one (and that is usually left up to the main thread). We could Changing the background color of a Tkinter window is a common task for creating visually appealing GUI applications in Python. Tk() # make the top right close button minimize (iconify) the main window root. Using Python 3. How ca Yes it's possible. showinfo(" from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def disable_windows(window): for child in window. 11 and tkinter 3. Take a screenshot of you rendered window with the text and label white background. attributes(toolwindow=1) # # for no window manager decorations at all: # root. Tkinter has several strengths; it’s cross-platform, so the same code works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To redraw the window, use deiconify. parent = parent self. configure('. 6. In some cases, you may want to remove the root window and replace it with a different window. PhotoImage() background_label = tk. title("Welcome to GeekForGeeks") # Set geometry (widthxheight) root. overrideredirect(1) # # useful for something like a splash screen root Trying to set up a background for my tkinter window. Dev Prakash Sharma. In my app I have a large window toplevel which calls a much smaller window top2 which initially appears on top of toplevel. window 0 0. I need to set the view mode or state of the treeview widget as 'disabled'. 2. configure (bg = color) The tkinter. The bg Add a new pane to the window, where w is any widget But it shouldn't be problem to run pynput and tkinter - because pynput runs in separated thread. Button(root, text='World!') button1. 📄️ CTk. Output: A Tkinter window with a red background. To remove all background color in Python tkinter, you can set the background color of the widgets to be transparent. configure(takefocus=False) disable_takefocus(w) disable_takefocus(root) I need a Python script that uses the Tkinter module to create a static (not resizable) window. 7 and Tk 8. The image is placed over the background, and if the window is wider than it is tall, the image centers itself in the middle over the black background, and it all looks One way to do this is by the following, another could be to overwrite the . The CTk class forms the basis of any CustomTkinter program, it creates the main app window. mainloop() This is my code below. protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root. In this article, we will discuss how to hide and unhide the window in Tkinter Using Python. destroy()) # Create a menu bar with an Exit option menubar = tk. How to gray out (disable) a Tkinter Frame - A Tkinter frame widget can contain a group of widgets. askopenfile, filedialog. Running the above code will display a window that contains two Label Frames. If we pass True as an argument to this method, then we'll get a frameless window. Tkinter opens console window with window. background: The background color of the widget. iconify() window = tk. When a user clicks the maximize button, the window moves to the upper left of the display. geometry(geometry) Looking for advice on how to remove or disable a resizable window's maximize button under Windows. I couldn't find a answer to this question, maybe because it's very uncommon to do this to a Combobox. class Authen(Frame): I'm trying, ultimately, to create "oddly-shaped windows" with Python using the Tkinter module. Through this example, we will create a popup dialog that can be In this article, we will discuss how to hide and unhide the window in Tkinter Using Python. mainloop() Tkinter background while loop. title("wm min/max") # this removes the maximize button root. winfo_children(): w. I tried the same method for background color and it did not work. 5. Now, consider this code: root = Toplevel() background = Tk() Toplevel is not a root window. 7 in Windows 7. Functions used: Toplevel() is used to launch the second window; Syntax: toplevel = Toplevel(root, bg, fg, bd, height, width, font So to disable all resizing: window. import tkinter as tk def get_pos(): I think this is what you were asking for. Just add self. button_1 = Button(self. Method 1: To refresh or update the window in Tkinter, call update() method on the Tk window object, followed by the update_idletasks() method. 7. style. It should either be hidden or disabled. mainloop() Within the program you can change the window dimensions with @Carpetsmoker's answer, or by doing this: One of these is to disable unnecessary applications running in the background. To hide and show the Tkinter window control icons, we can use the built-in function, which describes whether we want to disable control icons’ functionality. Tk): def __init__ (self How to run process in the background without stopping the Gui in Tkinter. scrolledtext as scrolledtext def setup_window (): root = tk. hdeye uiipc tjjsba qgce cvmt kwmzf gmawg hzxcuui konmhe hnzqq adfbjp jmkmo mjel uenvnob cjuosax