Iteslj questions. Controversial and mainstream topics.

Can you describe a typical family in your country? Who is the head of the household in a typical family in your country? Do many wives work in your country? What kinds of jobs do they have? If parents are both working, does this cause more or less stress in a family? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. A Project of. What is a generation gap? Have you ever felt a generation gap with your friends? How do you over come the generation gap? When do you feel the generation gap the most? Is it possible to overcome a generation gap? At what point in life does the generation gap seem to be the largest? The Media. Plans Dreams Future. The Past. , religion, money, government) How does faith affect your life? How do you live faithfully or with faithfulness? iteslj. Who do you think is the most beautiful person in your country? Who do you think is the most beautiful person alive today? Who was the most beautiful person in history? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Wishes. You lent your stuff but you also had to borrow from the others. Related: Dreams. Have you ever been on a diet? How do you know if you are fat? What is the best way to diet? Do you think dieting can be dangerous? Do you think fiber is important in your diet? What kind of fiber is the best when you are trying to loose weight? What are the situations that make you angry? What are the physical effects of getting angry? (e. Can you tell about something you love? Can you tell about something you hate? Can you tell about something you really care about? Can you tell about someone you dislike? Can you tell about a dream you've had? Can you tell about a goal you have? Can you tell about yourself? Conversation Questions. Water. g blood pressure) Is getting angry an effective way of dealing with problems? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . Do you often use the Internet? When did you first use the Internet? About how many hours a day do you use the Internet? About how many hours a week do you use the Internet? Who uses the Internet the most in your family? What computer do you use to access the Internet? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What is Valentine's Day? What is the origin of Valentine's Day? (Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?) Is Valentine's Day celebrated in your country? How is Valentine's Day celebrated in the United States? 14,180 discussion and conversation questions for speaking practice. Related: Jokes. What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? How have you invaded someones privacy without realizing it was important the that person? To what extent do public officials have a right to privacy? How can the press balance freedom of expression with respect for privacy? In your opinion, which of the following pose a threat to privacy? Conversation Questions. Do you play the lottery? What kind of lottery do you play? Do you play football pools? Do you play slot machines? How many forms of gambling as you can think of? What percentage of people do you think gamble? What do you think is the most amount of money that different people loose? E. How big would it be? Would it be for everyone or only the very rich? Which machines do you think had one purpose when they were invented, but now have many or different ones? What machines do you use everyday in your life? What things can you do faster without using a machine? Which machines do you use on a daily basis? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Are you computer literate? Are you connected to the Internet? Do you access the Internet with your computer? Can you access the Internet from your home? What is your favorite "news" site? What Internet sites do you visit regularly? Can your mother and father use a computer? Do you have a What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom . Did you enjoy your last vacation? (How was your vacation?) How do you feel after a long vacation? How many days was your vacation? How much money did you spend on your last vacation? Did you encounter any problems during your vacation? How did you resolve them? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Do you like to gossip? Do your friends often gossip about you? Why do you think people like to listen to gossip ? Why do people like to gossip about the rich and famous? What are the most common themes for gossip? What are some of the things you A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Vegetarian. What do you prefer, to eat everything you like, drink a lot, smoke, have no physical exercise and die at the age of 60 or lead a healthy life and live until 100? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . Have you been in the midst of danger before? What do you do when you feel someone might be following you? If you are in danger, what should you do? If your life was in danger, who would you call and why? Can you explain the 'fight or flight' complex? What makes you suspicious of someone? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Do you play any sports? Are you a good soccer player? Basketball player? Baseball player? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: Photography. Controversial and mainstream topics. Can you tell about something you love? Can you tell about something you hate? Can you tell about something you really care about? Can you tell about someone you dislike? Can you tell about a dream you've had? Can you tell about a goal you have? Can you tell about yourself? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: New Year's Day, New Year's Resolutions. e. )? What do you feed it? Do you play with it? What is it's name? How did you choose this name? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Do you have a pet? How old is it? Where did you get it from? Who takes care of it? What does it look like (color, breed, etc. If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Do you like paintings? What are some famous paintings that you like? You don't like? Can you paint? What type of painting do you do? Have you ever sold one of your paintings. Valentine's Day. What is faith? What it faithfulness? Is there a difference? What do you have faith in? (i. Disabilities and Handicaps. When sharing your stuff You never lent anything but you wanted to borrow things from the others. What's your most valued possession? Can you remember the last gift you were given? Did you like it? Do you ever buy 'gifts' for yourself? What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? What do you think of this saying, "Possessions rot, rust, and Conversation Questions Fruits and Vegetables A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Can you tell about something you love? Can you tell about something you hate? Can you tell about something you really care about? Can you tell about someone you dislike? Can you tell about a dream you've had? Can you tell about a goal you have? Can you tell about yourself? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Conversation QuestionsGoals. Possessions. Related: Restaurants, Vegetarian, Diets, Food & Eating. Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past. If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages. Related: Marriage, Love, Dating & Marriage. Related: Holidays, Travel. What is your favorite joke? Do you like listening and telling jokes? How do you know what joke is proper to tell to your friends? When are some time you shouldn't tell a joke. Related: Dogs and Cats. What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What is cloning? What are the advantages of cloning? What are the disadvantages of cloning? Do you think animals should be cloned? Do you think vegetables should be modified? What are the ethical concerns about cloning? Are you against or in favor of cloning? Why? How does cloning affect What are the skills that separate good students from bad students? Were good grades important to you? Did teachers grade students fairly? Did you ever feel like you should have gotten a better grade then you did in a class? Did you procrastinate studying? Did you ever pull an all nighter? iteslj. The Internet TESL Journal. org When playing a game You always wanted to win and if you didn't you cried. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn? Have you ever spoken English on the phone? How often do you practice your English? What is your favorite way to practice your English? (UK spelling = favorite) What is the most difficult thing about English? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. The Supernatural. A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Why do people procrastinate? Who do you know that always procrastinates? When is it good to procrastinate? When is it really bad to procrastinate? What kinds of things do you put off doing? How do you feel when other people put off something you If so, what type of fish? Which do you like better, a home with a nice garden or a home without one? Do you have a mini swimming pool in your home? A basket ball court. iteslj. Related: Plans, Goals, Dreams; What does the future hold? What will the future be like? Who invented the very first computer? What is AI? What is the definition of a 'robot'? What is robotics? Where did the word 'robot' come from? Can robots tie shoes? Will robots replace humans? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. What is technology? What is science? What is the difference between science and technology? What are some of the greatest technological achievements? What are the advantages of technology? What are the disadvantages of technology? In your opinion,what is the greatest technological invention? iteslj. Do you smoke? If you smoke, how much do you smoke in a day? If you smoke, when did you start doing it? If you smoke, why did you start? What was the reason? Have you ever smoked cigarettes? A cigar? A pipe? How much does it cost to smoke? How much does it cost to smoke in your country? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. org A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Can you tell about something you love? Can you tell about something you hate? Can you tell about something you really care about? Can you tell about someone you dislike? Can you tell about a dream you've had? Can you tell about a goal you have? Can you tell about yourself? Conversation QuestionsWeather. What's your favorite season and why? Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country? Have you ever been caught in bad weather? Conversation QuestionsArguing. Did it snow last year at Christmas? Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child? Did you enjoy last Christmas? Do people behave differently during Christmas? Do they try to be better? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. org What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. You stopped playing if you were losing. Do you feel bad after you have an argument? What are some reason why people argue? What does your family argue about? How do you avoid arguments? Do you think it is best to argue or just walk away? Shy? Do you get along with argumentative people? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Do you know any vegetarians? Do you think restaurants should offer one or two vegetarian dishes on their menu? What are the different kinds of vegetarians? Could you try vegetarianism for a month? Could you try vegetarianism for a week? Could you try vegetarianism for a full day? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom. Gossip and Rumors. g. Baseball Basketball Bullfighting. Selected Questions. You changed the rules just to win. Have you ever been to a trade show? Have you been to a computer games trade show? What's the biggest trade show in Spain/USA/Saudi Arabia/etc? Are arms trade exhibitions immoral? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Conversation QuestionsValentine's Day. Transitions. Related: Jobs. mean? What do you and your families do on the weekend? What type of things do you have to do on the weekend? Go shopping? Go to the doctor or dentists? Take care of your brothers and sisters? Clean your iteslj. Are you impressed with people who know how to paint? Do you have a painting of yourself? Conversation QuestionsGoals. Conversation Questions. A ping pong table? Do you help to mow the lawn in your garden? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . Related: Humor. Do you like spending time at home? Where do you live and lived before? Who do you live with? iteslj. Related: Religion, Pope John II. What are some health problems that might arise after a disaster? Who should you contact to let them know you are safe? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . What do you like to do on the weekend? What did you do last weekend? What does T. Beauty and Physical Attractiveness. What is your attitude toward marriage? Do you think it is important to get married before moving in with your boyfriend\girlfriend? Will you feel comfortable living together without the official registration? What about having a baby? What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. What is your biggest goal in life? How do you plan to achieve that goal? What are your "short term" goals? What are your "long term" goals? Should parents help their children set goals? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Tourism. If you are looking for conversation questions or conversations starters for native speakers of English instead of ESL students you can check out this page of 250 conversation starter questions or this page of topic based conversation questions. Are you self-employed? Have you always been self-employed? Why did you start your own business? What are some things that you need to consider when starting your own business? Is it easy to start a business in your country? Have you ever worked for a self-employed person? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Leaders and Leadership. What is humorous to you? Can you give some examples? What is your favorite comedy? Why is it funny? Who is your favorite comedian? Why is he/she humorous? Are you humorous? Can you tell about a time when you were very funny? What kind of humor do you like? Do you like many Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL ClassroomA Project of The Internet TESL Journal. . Have you made any recent changes in your life? Do you think change is important? Do you ever get the urge to refurnish your whole house? Do you rearrange the furniture in your house often? Do you like to rearrange your room or living-room? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. What was your nicest dream that you can remember? Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past. How can a joke hurt someone? What are some situations when it is impolite to laugh at a joke? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Change. Travel. Trade Fairs, County Fairs and Industrial Exhibitions. F. Do you dream regularly? Do you like dreaming? Do you remember your dreams? What is a daydream? Do you daydream in class? Can you daydream while your walking? What is your worst nightmare? Could you go back to sleep? Why or why not? Describe some of them. Do you have a handicap? Do you know anyone with a handicap? What are some handicaps that people have? Have you ever parked in the handicapped parking area? How are handicapped people treated in your country? What do you feel when you see iteslj. Who is the greatest actor? Who is the greatest kung fu master? Who is the greatest businessman in the world? Who is the nicest person in the world? If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it . org Conversation QuestionsSports. A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom . What is your hobby? How long have you had a hobby? Why do people have hobbies? Why did you start your hobby? Can you make money from doing your hobby? How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby? Is your hobby safe or dangerous? What is a hobby? Conversation QuestionsLiving Arrangements and Dream House. 709 FREE ESL lesson plans, handouts, worksheets and downloads. What is your biggest goal in life? How do you plan to achieve that goal? What are your "short term" goals? What are your "long term" goals? Should parents help their children set goals? Conversation Questions. org A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Procrastination. A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What is a leader? Who are the first leaders who come to your mind? What makes those people great leaders? What are the qualities or characteristics that every leader should have? Are some people natural leaders and other people natural Who represents you in your local and national government? How long is the term of elected officials in your country? Which party is now in power in your country? When were they elected? Who is the leader of this party? How has your political views changed during your lifetime? How can we get more people to vote? Is voting an important A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? (weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile phones, cars, genetically modified products etc) Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to? (human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer vaccine, teleportation) What do you know about cloning? A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview? What are you responsible for? What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like? Conversation Questions. Related: Classrooms. Diets. G. If the number five is red, what are the colors of the other numbers? What are the colors of the numbers 1 - 10? What color is the number 3? If you were trapped on an island, why were you there? If you were given the chance to be an animal, Which animal would you be? What do you do when you are in front of the mirror? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. I. ab oq zq ad eg ci er vh on iu